Video Betta Being A Betta.


Fish Connoisseur
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 14, 2015
Reaction score
One of my Bettas showing me who's boss.

Please note I am not touching the glass, and after we play this game he gets bloodworm as a treat.

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I had 3, I sold my female.

This guy is now in a 5 gal cube.
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He's beautiful!

I've had quite a lot of fish, over the years, that have displayed similar behaviour. It's mostly good old Pavlovian conditioning at work, IMHO

I might have mentioned before that our old oscar 'taught' my son to feed him (the oscar) on demand; he used to jump up and bang his condensation tray, my son would say, "oh, Gormok wants feeding", drop whatever he was doing and go give Gormok exactly what he wanted 

And all the angels I've ever had have wriggled like puppies when they see me.
The cheeky Crown tail was a true rescue, I was doing a PC job for a client and he was living in an unfiltered 2 liter vase half dead, constipated and his fins were a mess they still are but hes a crown tail,  and was going to be flushed down the toilet, So I took him home, that was 2 months ago, He has come a long way.
Nice of you to rescue...he is doing great now!  Lol love to watch them chase the shrimp.  Mine is very interactive as well...loves begging for food!  
  Also loves following us from one side of his tank to the other in the morning waiting for breakfast
My owner is a cruel human, It gives us the precious but makes sure its to big to fit in my mouth.

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