Some of you might remember me, idk, been extremely busy with exams n' stuff. I've taken up flying so that's limited the amount of time i have on my hands.
Still keeping fish though, currently in the process of setting a tank up, the old one started to leak so i decided that instead of keep all the old stuff, i'd treat the fish for christmas and give them a nice new home to go into. Photos if my camera works. It's white gravel with a mix of plants, tallest towards the back obviously. There are three bits of wood, two of which are embedded into the gravel, the other is of a different texture and rests atop. I'm using white gravel mixed with coarse riverbed gravel, fine riverbed gravel and some sand where it would enhance the look of the tank.
Glad to be back, i have a fair bit of profile updating to do
Still keeping fish though, currently in the process of setting a tank up, the old one started to leak so i decided that instead of keep all the old stuff, i'd treat the fish for christmas and give them a nice new home to go into. Photos if my camera works. It's white gravel with a mix of plants, tallest towards the back obviously. There are three bits of wood, two of which are embedded into the gravel, the other is of a different texture and rests atop. I'm using white gravel mixed with coarse riverbed gravel, fine riverbed gravel and some sand where it would enhance the look of the tank.
Glad to be back, i have a fair bit of profile updating to do