Angelfish Just Layed Eggs.. Need Help

Blue Ramirezi

Fish Crazy
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys :good:
My angels just laid eggs, its in a community tank, but theyre all fish that lurk around the bottom except for 2 discus (i know you need to keep them in groups, i was going to purchase more, but then this happened).
Tank mates are:

1x Yoyo Loach (I think he might be a problem but the angels make him fly to the other side of the tank :lol:
2x Raphael Cats (I dont think they're a problem, only 3cm long anyway;
1x Pleco (10cm)
1x TT Eel (around 18cm)
2x Discus (1 is like 7cm one is about 4cm)
2x Angels The pair :p

the tank is 248L (120 x 45 x 46(cm))
Water Parameters are:

KH: 3
pH: 7.5
GH: 5 dH
N03: 30mg/pl

Okay so what should I do :lol: is there anything major i must change?
They spawned on a leaf :p

I'll keep you updated on whats going on :crazy:
Chances are they will eat their own eggs within a day max. You'll be lucky if you ever get further than that in a community tank.
If you seriously want to breed your angels, you'll need to set up a separate tank for them.
ok umm.. its been 8 hrs since they laid eggs, they laid on two leaves (20 or so on one, 100+ on the other)
I pulled the little leaf with 10 or so and put it in my hatchery, on the 100+ leaf none have been eaten so far and no fish are going near them, also the angelfish don't have to fend any fish away because the only midwater region swimming fish besides them are the 2 discus..

I have identified which of them is the male and female by seeing their papilla things :p
To: UKSPEED, thanks for the optimism :good:
So far they havent eaten any, if they do end up eating then i still have eggs in the hatchery, besides, they'lle breed again in 2 weeks :lol:
How are you caring for the eggs in the hatchery? Have you got an airstone bubbling onto them?
Yes, I read all about it, I had an airstone on a low setting gently bubbling on them, however the eggs I removed turned out to be infertile and all turned white :lol: aand, they lasted the day, then 5 minutes after lights off they ate them :p next time I'll pull the whole batxh :lol:

Oh btw LøL I made a mistake and I'm on my phone ^^ up there when I said aand I meant to say aand as for the eggs in the main tank
Told you they would eat them :p

Good luck with the next batch.
Thanks mate :good:
I'll pull the whole batch next time

Thanks mate :good:
I'll pull the whole batch next time

Thanks mate :good:
I'll pull the whole batch next time

Thanks mate :good:
I'll pull the whole batch next time
When you put the eggs in the hatchery did you lift them out of the water? this will sometimes destroy the whole batch of eggs (make them go fluffy)
I read up on some website that they could survive a brief moment outside water so I moved them fairly quickly, but that might be the case
Ok so they're breeding again, should I just leave them to eat they're eggs and wait for like the 3rd try to pull (or maybe 4th) the eggs? I was quite surprised, its been a week and 4 days and they're doing the same breeding activity they did last time, cleaning surfaces, attacking plants =D so leave or pull? Or just leave, cause I do want them to breed regularly, not like just once..
I'd leave them to try on their own for a while. They're unlikely to suceeed. Maybe try it yourself after they've tried a few more times.
Ok, well, they stopped all breeding activity and they're tubes went back inside :lol: I'm not really sure why, but it happened
A few weeks back my Angelfish started laying eggs, I freaked out and tried to partition the tank from the other fishes. I think this freaked out the angelfish and they aborted and ate up the eggs. In any case, they where laying them on the silicone sealing on the corner of the tank.

So I got them a terracotta tile thing for their future endeavours, and yesterday when I got home, they had laid about 100-150 eggs. This morning I looked in there, and about a third of then have gone solid white, so I am guessing they are dud eggs. Will look again this evening and see if anymore are like that.

These angelfish are also in a community tank, they have been quite successful in fending off the other fish, most have moved to the other side of the tank now... lol

My plan is to let the angel fish rear these eggs as normal, without interference from me, and probably for another few egg laying cycles. Here's hoping a few babies survive...

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