Breeding Angelfish

Blue Ramirezi

Fish Crazy
Sep 26, 2011
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Hey guys! :lol: About a month back my friend gave me a grey / silver angelfish of his, I decided i might try breeding them, but later decided not as i didnt want to get a whole bunch hoping i'll get a pair :/

Sooooooo.... I bought one. And today they started to behave like breeding fish doo :p
Well.. They certainly look like they've paired off and their huddled off in the back corner :lol:
I previously did research :nod: apparently the males have pointy papilla things and females have round ones.
Well one has a very pointy one, and sure enough, one has a round one (they're huge!!)

:X The female has a slight bulge around the papilla. They aren't letting fish go near them! only problem is i'm just not sur how well they'll do against thes fish:

1x 5cm Yoyo Loach
2x 4cm Raphael Cats
1x TT Eel

:/ hoping they wont eat the eggs :no: :shout:

Anyway, the one thing they won't leave alone is the plants though, i have 2 amazon swords, but they aren't bothering those, i have this weird plant which looks like grass only it goes really tall and its blades are a little thicker than grass, its also more transparent than grass..
They have been attackin it all day, the didnt have a problem before, only now.

To sum it up im not sure if the eggs will get eaten or not, aaaand i dont really know what to feed and stuff, like maybe brine shrimp or something? aanywaaay :lol: yeeaah!

oh by the way, about that plant, i have LOTS like 7 throughout the tank :lol:
What size is the tank? Depending on size the angels may get territorial (they will do this whatever the size) but if there is not enough space they will stress the other fish by chasing, stress themselves and could end up eating their own eggs.
oh right soz, no theres more than enough space :p its 120cm x 45cm x 45cm so its around 250L

btw those pearls in your avatar are beuatiful :good:
As far as feeding the fry goes, to be honest i'm not really sure.
Angels are parental so should protect the eggs however it can take them a few spawns to get the hang of it, they may never be too good at it because they are being hand raised more and more in farms so are losing the ability to raise their young. If you have the patience for it, it is best to let them learn on their own as it is such a shame they are losing their parental abilities.

And thanks for the comment about my pearls :) Nice loach :D
Yeah, I agree :good:
To be frank i didn't think id rly be able to do it first time :lol:

Oh, one more thing, i have a pretty big airstone abot 30cm away from their breeding spot, but its like 5cm away from an amazon sword, and i heard they sometimes move fry to those things so should i A: keep it on :blink: B: Keep it off :huh: or C: :nod: Move it???

Hoow long do they stay pregnant before they lay?
They can spawn about every 2 weeks. I really don't know what advice to give you about that airstone other than to use your judgement.

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