All Fish Behaving Strangely After 3D Background Installed.


Mostly New Member
Jul 13, 2014
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Hey everyone, 
I have a bit of a crisis at the moment, 
I recently installed a 3d background in my aquarium, it's made from Styrofoam, covered in cement, then sealed with crommelin Pond Sealer. 
I glued it in with selley's aquarium safe sillicone and waited for it to fully cure before rinsing it all with water. 

I put the substrate and filter in (they were in a temporary tank with all of the fish) and left it for a few hours. I introduced the fish back into the tank once the water was up to temperature.
My concern is that there may be some sort of chemical harming the fish.

Their strange behaviors are as follows:
Corydoras (5): Darting to the top too frequently. The smallest one also appears weak.
Gouramis (4): No longer chasing eachother, they are now schooling. They dart to the top too frequently now too, all at the exact same time generally.
Neon tetras (6): They seem ok, maybe slightly slow.
PH: ~7 
Ammonia: 0ppm
I've misplaced my nitrite/nitrate test kit, but I'm assuming nitrite would be close to 0 if ammonia is, unless somehow the tank has become uncycled due to the 100% water change. I think that's unlikely though, because I've placed the old substrate and filter into the tank? 


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Any signs of heavy breathing, or gasping.
I think I would preform a water change and increase aeration.
Add some new black carbon to the tank also,
How long has the tank been set up?
How many gallons is the tank?
How many fish and which type?
Hey Wilder, none of the fish seem to be breathing heavily or gasping. None are hovering around near the top or anything either, the corys and gouramis are just darting to the top far too frequently.

The tank has been set up for a year, but was completely drained to glue this in. I kept the filter and substrate in another tank with them though
5 Corydoras, 4 Gouramis (2 pearl, 2 yellow), 6 Neon tetras.
I'll perform a water change and I'll pick up some of this black carbon tomorrow. I googled it and it seems to be a filter medium? What's the purpose of it?
Thanks so much for your reply
I would increase aeration if you can.
Black carbon removes toxins and chemicals from the water.
I would still be tempted to do a water change.
If no improvement get back to the board.
Good Luck.
+1 regarding the water change, it maybe nothing to do with the background (?) it maybe something in the water supply, frequent WC can assist with minimising whatever maybe occurring.

+1 with aeration as well. This can assist with faster gas exchanges at the surface of the water, as well as general aeration.

Was the background new from an established supplier? Have you contacted them at all?

It is a process of elimination at this stage, also remember the fish have been stressed in the move, and will also be adapting to the new setup/water etc. Hope you find your test kit soon as that will assist in pinpointing any potential issues.

Keep us posted.
Good advice above.  Carbon will certainly help if there is a toxin present but its not the answer alone.   I'd say the water change, as large as you can do would be step one.
Maybe this new piece needed a bit more of a rinse first.  :dunno:
I made the same type of background...

i filled and ran a small internal for 24 hours
Drained the water
filled and ran internal full of carbon for 24 hours
drained the tank
filled and declorinated
added fish
The tank with the background is still in use 3yrs later
I got a 3d background for my Betta tank, It's been in about 2 or 3 weeks now without a problem.
I want to thank Alasse for her advice regarding 3d backgrounds.
Hey all, thanks for all the advice. So I've done the following today:
1) Water change
2) Replaced filter media in bottom compartment with that black carbon
3) bought an air pump and air stone that runs the length of the tank.
Everything seems to be going ok! I'll let you know of any changes
Thanks for update and glad to hear things are OK at the present time.
Pardon my ignorance.
Aren’t  Gouramis meant to be kept in a heavily planted tank?

SpringHeelMark said:
Hey all, thanks for all the advice. So I've done the following today:
1) Water change
2) Replaced filter media in bottom compartment with that black carbon
3) bought an air pump and air stone that runs the length of the tank.
Everything seems to be going ok! I'll let you know of any changes
Great, I would do daily partial water changes for a few days and then see if things settle long term.

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