Drastic measure or play it out?

Tolkien Tank

New Member
Feb 26, 2021
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Should I give up or take drastic measures? (Cross posted to aquariums)

Should I give up or try drastic measures?

What is the water volume of the tank? 56 litres

How long has the tank been running? 2 months+

Does it have a filter? Yes CF1

Does it have a heater? Yes

What is the water temperature? 25’C

What is the entire stocking of this tank? 1 bladder snail, 6 tetra ( 2 neon, 2 green neon and 2 black neon, 1 Guppy female and 4 otocinclus (Please list all fish and inverts.)

How often do you change the water? Every other day

How much of the water do you change?50%

What do you use to treat your water? Love Fish Tap Safe

Do you vacuum the substrate or just the water? Yes with each water change or every other change.

*Parameters - Very Important

Did you cycle your tank before adding fish? Yes

What do you use to test the water? Fresh Water Masterkit

What are your parameters? We need to know the exact numbers, not just “fine” or “safe”.
Ammonia: 0 - 0.25ppm
Nitrate: 0ppm
pH: 7


How often do you feed your fish? Once a day or every other day

How much do you feed your fish? A small pinch

What brand of food do you feed your fish? TetraMin

Do you feed frozen or freeze-dried foods? Occasional daphnia.

Illness & Symptoms

How long have you had this fish? 1 month

How long ago did you first notice these symptoms? A week ago

In a few words, can you explain the symptoms? Flashing, swimming into filter flow or bubbles, white stringy poop

Have you started any treatment for the illness? Yes

Was your fish physically ill or injured upon purchase? No

How has its behavior and appearance changed, if at all? Hiding in tank

Explain your emergency situation in detail. (Please give a clear explanation of what is going on, include details from the beginning of the illness leading up to now)

Our tank was absolutely fine with no issues until we introduced two male guppies. There was 3 female guppies, 6 tetra and the 2 males. The mistake we made was not quarantining the males prior to adding them to the tank and I am kicking myself now.

Within a few days of being in the tank one of the male guppies was swimming at the top and not really eating. He died shortly after this and we removed him from the tank ASAP. The second male seemed to have a hole in his tail so we treated the tank with aquarium salt, Fungus and Fin Rot. He was also popping out white mucus strings. No pet store could identify the issue. We had also removed the carbon from the filter at this point. The 2nd male guppy died with 2 out of 3 females now displaying some symptoms. 1st female guppy died at the bottom of comm tank after swimming frantically for days.

2nd female guppy was moved to a hospital tank ( we were finally able to get one)7L plastic Betta tank with heater and filter. We used the filter as a waterfall to keep airflow in the tank, only filling 5 litres for easier dosing and added a small amount of filter wool to it. It was not cycled at all. We dosed with internal bacteria+ and Epsom salts. She was also pooping out white strings.

Its been really hard to get medication here in the UK because we aren’t able to get things like general cure or em erythromycin. I managed to get Methylene Blue and Absolute Wormer+ which arrived on Thursday afternoon. Unfortunately it was too late and the 2nd female guppy died.

Our 3rd female guppy was immediately given a dip in Methylene blue, Aquarium salt and Epsom salts for 30mins, swim in tank water to rinse then returned to the community tank. I vacuumed the substrate, removing everything from the tank, did a 50% water change. Added tap safe. Later that evening I added an 1/8 of a spoon of absolute wormer plus as 1g treats 454 litres.

I am seriously considering taking all fish out of the tank and placing them in a large bucket with methylene blue, dumping all my substrate and sanitising the tank and ornaments. I’m at a loss and I’m angry that pet stores don’t offer more advice on fish keeping, that they don’t have medications needed. I’m now most likely going to lose my entire tank because of this outbreak and I feel as though I have failed my pets.
didnt read all of it, but i think you should move your guppy. she is not in ideal conditions as ph is too low and i do not know hardness. my opinion, i thin you should move her to an all guppy tank. i didnt read the whole thread but just the top. ill respond wiht a better one maybe later
Pictures of the fish?

It sounds like the new guppies introduced an internal bacterial infection to the tank. There's not normally any cure for it, but anti-biotics sometimes help. In the UK you would need to contact a vet and get the medication from them and that will cost you a lot more than the fish.

Pet shops in the UK aren't allowed to carry anti-biotics because they cause drug resistant bacteria that kill people. The government has controlled the sale and distribution of them to try and slow the spread of drug resistant bacteria. This means you can only get them from a vet or doctor.

You can try doing a 75% water change and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week but it's probably easier to flush the tank out and clean everything, then start again. Put the remaining fish into a container of methylene blue for 24 hours and then put them back in the clean tank. Monitor them and see how they go.

The following link has information on stringy white poop in fish.
Pictures of the fish?

It sounds like the new guppies introduced an internal bacterial infection to the tank. There's not normally any cure for it, but anti-biotics sometimes help. In the UK you would need to contact a vet and get the medication from them and that will cost you a lot more than the fish.

Pet shops in the UK aren't allowed to carry anti-biotics because they cause drug resistant bacteria that kill people. The government has controlled the sale and distribution of them to try and slow the spread of drug resistant bacteria. This means you can only get them from a vet or doctor.

You can try doing a 75% water change and gravel cleaning the substrate every day for a week but it's probably easier to flush the tank out and clean everything, then start again. Put the remaining fish into a container of methylene blue for 24 hours and then put them back in the clean tank. Monitor them and see how they go.

The following link has information on stringy white poop in fish.

Thank you so much! Yes it’s hard to get these medications and I don’t think our vet deals with fish. I’ve checked in our area and we only have one vet who specialises in aquatics.

Definitely going to get the fish into methylene blue today and see how they go, get the tank overhauled as I now feel like it’s tainted. It’s a hard lesson to learn, I’m sure I’m not the first nor the last to have this happen. I am kicking myself.

pics of fish here -
Have you seen any gasping at the surface in addition to the flashing?

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