Fish Fanatic
What is the water volume of the tank? 224L
How long has the tank been running? Since March/April 2024
Does it have a filter? 4 sponge filters
Does it have a heater? Two, 50w and a 25w
What is the water temperature? 26*C
What is the entire stocking of this tank? Female guppies and endlers approx 20 + fry, exact quantity unknown.
8 Neon tetras
(Please list all fish and inverts.)
How often do you change the water? Weekly
How much of the water do you change? 50%
What do you use to treat your water?
Safe and Stability by seachem
Do you vacuum the substrate or just the water?
Just the water as I have fine sand substrate,
*Parameters - Very Important
Did you cycle your tank before adding fish?
Yes, but something has upset it, and the tank is cycling again.
What do you use to test the water? API masterkit.
What are your parameters?
We need to know the exact numbers, not just “fine” or “safe”.
pH: 7.5
NH3/NH4+: .50ppm
NO2-: .25ppm
NO3-: .50ppm
general hardness 100ppm
How often do you feed your fish? Every day
How much do you feed your fish? No more than 30s of feeding time
What brand of food do you feed your fish? Dymax and pisces, some hikari
Do you feed frozen? Just bloodworms
Do you feed freeze-dried foods? Not often enough to be relevant
Illness & Symptoms
How long have you had this fish? January 2024
How long ago did you first notice these symptoms? Today
In a few words, can you explain the symptoms? Lumpy belly.
Have you started any treatment for the illness? No,
Was your fish physically ill or injured upon purchase? No
How has its behavior and appearance changed, if at all? Not really, still fast swimming, eating schooling.
Explain your emergency situation in detail.
I have had these fish in with my female Betta in 80L for months with no issues. A couple of days ago, I decided to move them to my community tank and now all of them have a lump in their belly. One looks like a cyst, but can’t be sure.
I just need someone else to have a look at these fish before I kill everything in here.
Will the tank will need dismantling and bleaching to be safe for future use? Are all my guppies going to catch this and need to be euthanised? Can I save anyone here? Female betta never showed any illness, is happy and healthy.
Purchased at an aquarium specialty store, not a chain BB pet shop.
What is the water volume of the tank? 224L
How long has the tank been running? Since March/April 2024
Does it have a filter? 4 sponge filters
Does it have a heater? Two, 50w and a 25w
What is the water temperature? 26*C
What is the entire stocking of this tank? Female guppies and endlers approx 20 + fry, exact quantity unknown.
8 Neon tetras
(Please list all fish and inverts.)
How often do you change the water? Weekly
How much of the water do you change? 50%
What do you use to treat your water?
Safe and Stability by seachem
Do you vacuum the substrate or just the water?
Just the water as I have fine sand substrate,
*Parameters - Very Important
Did you cycle your tank before adding fish?
Yes, but something has upset it, and the tank is cycling again.
What do you use to test the water? API masterkit.
What are your parameters?
We need to know the exact numbers, not just “fine” or “safe”.
pH: 7.5
NH3/NH4+: .50ppm
NO2-: .25ppm
NO3-: .50ppm
general hardness 100ppm
How often do you feed your fish? Every day
How much do you feed your fish? No more than 30s of feeding time
What brand of food do you feed your fish? Dymax and pisces, some hikari
Do you feed frozen? Just bloodworms
Do you feed freeze-dried foods? Not often enough to be relevant
Illness & Symptoms
How long have you had this fish? January 2024
How long ago did you first notice these symptoms? Today
In a few words, can you explain the symptoms? Lumpy belly.
Have you started any treatment for the illness? No,
Was your fish physically ill or injured upon purchase? No
How has its behavior and appearance changed, if at all? Not really, still fast swimming, eating schooling.
Explain your emergency situation in detail.
I have had these fish in with my female Betta in 80L for months with no issues. A couple of days ago, I decided to move them to my community tank and now all of them have a lump in their belly. One looks like a cyst, but can’t be sure.
I just need someone else to have a look at these fish before I kill everything in here.
Will the tank will need dismantling and bleaching to be safe for future use? Are all my guppies going to catch this and need to be euthanised? Can I save anyone here? Female betta never showed any illness, is happy and healthy.
Purchased at an aquarium specialty store, not a chain BB pet shop.
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