dying fish

  1. T

    Female Convict Cichlid Been Attacked

    So I have a pair of convict cichlids, that bred for the first time when I got them 3 weeks back. Yesterday night I saw the male chasing the female here and there, and I assumed it was regular cichlid behavior as they do that. Today around 12pm I checked in on the fry (they were with the parents)...
  2. I

    My neon tetras keep dying and i dont know why

    So recently I upgraded my fish tank from a 10 Gal. to a 29 Gal and transferred the fish I had (3 guppies, 4 Neons, and 2 Corydoras). they had just recently gotten big so i knew it was time to transfer, after putting everything in and acclimating my neon tetras all died, but the guppies and corys...
  3. G

    Cloudy water and dying fish

    I have a 55gallon tank that has been established for over a year. I decided Saturday to redecorate. Added new gravel, plants and decor. Everything was rinsed. I done a 50% water change also. I left the fish in the tank. I couldn't catch them, so to avoid stressing them anymore I left them alone...
  4. Aquariummanfran

    Ongoing fish keeping problem

    Hello everyone! I am new to this community but not new to a tropical fish keeping forum. I’ve wanted to find a new community because quite frankly, I’m struggling and have lost the fish keeping mojo and was hoping I could find some help. Quick background. I have been keeping aquariums for...
  5. danajs

    Is someone killing my Rummy Nose Tetras?

    Hi all 👋🏻 My partner has a 600l planted tank and had a lovely school of 30 Rummy Nose Tetras. Each morning we’re coming down to find one or two dead (stuck in the filter intake, but we do not believe they are being sucked in by it) and without any eyes (I know that once dead the other fish...
  6. BibsyBobsy

    Guppy’s stomach ruptured through his skin, what happened?!

    Please can someone help, my guppy is around three months old. He was born to one of my female guppies so I had him since birth. These last few days I noticed he was staying by himself and not interacting with the other fish. I also noticed he has a swollen belly so I wondered if he was...
  7. R

    Cherry shrimp dying

    We have/had 6 cherry shrimp along with some guppies and black catfish (can't remember the name of them buy they can go with shrimp), we have had them about 3 weeks and yesterday 1 shrimp was dead, this morning I woke up and saw another had died. Is this normal or should I be looking into...
  8. Dopatri

    HELP! My Betta is close to death!

    UPDATE: Unfortunately my fish passed away shortly after posting this. I did however take some gorgeous shots of her scales. I’m absolutely in awe of the photos. They look majestic, at least I can remember her by looking at these photos. I want to share them with you. My female Betta isn’t...
  9. T

    Drastic measure or play it out?

    Should I give up or take drastic measures? (Cross posted to aquariums) Should I give up or try drastic measures? Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 56 litres How long has the tank been running? 2 months+ Does it have a filter? Yes CF1 Does it have a heater? Yes What is the water...
  10. G

    Sudden Molly deaths!

    Hi all i recently just got my first tank in September. I had comets in it for the longest time. About a month ago I added 6 mollies And 3 corys. on the 26th I removed the comets (as they were too large) and I’ve had 2 mollies die on me! I also added some more water as the water was getting low...
  11. Jan Cavalieri

    Trying to Understand what happened

    I've lost a lot of fish in two days -19 or 20. I just want to know if anybody else agrees with me so others can learn from my mistakes. I have two expensive water heaters with thermometers. In fact you set the heater with the thermometer. Two of my tanks have these because I was sick of...
  12. U

    Another one bites the dust :(

    Hi all, I’m new here and am hoping some might be able to help. Over the past month we have lost 3 guppies, and all 6 tetras - the last one tonight :( The other fish seem healthy, and happy but I’m concerned it’s only a matter of time and I don’t know where we went wrong. here is our set up...
  13. margaritari

    Young Harlequin Rasboras DYING RAPIDLY!!

    Hello, sorry my first post is so desperate but I REALLY NEED HELP. My new Harlies are dropping like flies and I have no idea why! Tank size: 20 gal pH: 7.5 tank temp: 75ºF Fish Symptoms: Three fish have died within the two days since I bought them. The first two were found dead on the bottom...
  14. Inkweaver313

    Tropical fish dying quickly after move wha

    Help! Backstory: I had a 45 gallon tank with mollies and neon tetras set up for about a year. The mollies were breeding like crazy (as they do) so I rehomed all but 5 males. I needed the 45 for a rescue goldfish I got so I purchased a 30 gallon tank. I set it up, let the temperature settle to...
  15. ameliagb


    so this morning i turn on the tank lights and my pictus cat (about 2 inches id guess) was STUCK to the filter and not in a "im dying" way in a thrashing and trying to swim off of it way looking around frantic with those big pictus cat eyeballs SO i push him off gently with the net an he swims...
  16. A


    Hello! This is a two part question as I have just started to run a tank and my friend has had a tank for a bit longer but her fish keep dying. My tank: - 65 litre (14/15 gallon) - cycled for 2 weeks before adding cardinal tetras - added 6 cardinal tetras - waited a further week before adding 2...
  17. N

    What is wrong with my black mollie?

    Ive had him for a few months. His original companion unexpectedly died over over a month ago and shortly after we got him 3 black mollie tank mates. Ever since hes looked incredibly small almost like hes shrinking. I know thats not the case, maybe its because the mew mollies are so much bigger...
  18. K

    Fish dying for no reason??

    I have recently been having trouble with my tank. I have a 54 litre tropical tank which I keep a betta, harlequin rasbora and many cherry shrimp in there. But today, I have found 5 shrimp dead and every day I’m finding at least one shrimp dead. I’ve lost 4 harlequin rasboras as I noticed that...
  19. J

    Changed to new tank major problems

    Hi All, I wasn't sure where else to turn to and I am out of ideas - I'm hoping for some advice - All my fish I've had for 6+ years are dying. I recently moved house and had to purchase a new fish tank to fit the space of a wall in the new house. The new tank is not as long but taller - same...
  20. M

    Danios mystery illness.

    Can anybody help me with my fish? I set up a new tank around 4 months ago, cycled it and waited till the water was perfect, added plants and 7 spotted danios. I had been cycling the tank (120 litres) for about a month. Water parameters showed no ammonia or nitrates, ph 7.5-8 temp 25C. I used a...
  21. T

    Help! My fish are all dying

    I am very new to aquariums and though I have the best intentions, I don't understand a lot of what's happening in my tank. I've had a group of 5 tiger barbs for about 5 weeks now. I've had a couple die and I have replaced them. Yesterday the fish we're fine so I did a scheduled regular water...
  22. Chippers255

    Only My Tiger Barbs are Dying?

    As the title suggests I have a community tank but only my Tiger Barbs are dying. I woke up this morning and everything seemed fine, an hour later 2 were dead, 1 died this afternoon, and 1 died this evening. Does anybody have any idea what could affect my tiger barbs only? So you have a bit of...
  23. S

    Who has attacked the barb!

    Hey guys bit of a problem! Purchased a few new fish a few days back including 3 melon barbs and a figure of 8 puffer. Now the store assistants informed me that the figure of 8 can be a bit nippy but should be compatible with my tank as i have no long finned fish. Today however i have woken up to...
  24. F

    Help Please! Dying Fish - Cannot Figure Out What Is Happening!

    Request Help Tank size: 55 gal - upgraded from established 37 gal November 30th that sprung a leak! pH: 6.8 - 7.0 ammonia: hard to tell between yellow and .025 on API test vial nitrite: 0 nitrate: less than 20 kH: 120 gH: 75 tank temp: 80.4 Fish Symptoms (include full description including...
  25. P

    Hi Guys

    Hi every one , I am new to the forum . I have been keeping Fish both salt and fresh Water for 20 years now. I live in Ontario Canada and have a 75 gallon fresh water tropical tank. I have small dwarf chiclids and tetras in my tank.My tank is 3 months running .In my tank there were 55 fish ,My...
  26. S

    Fluttering Platys

    Hi:  We have had a 40 gallon fresh water tank for 6 years that has  evidently been balanced well.    Our two Silver Dollars were in a community tank with 4 platys, 2 ghost fish, and 5 "stripped fish" that we have also had for 2-4 years.  The platys started giving birth at a high rate.  We...
  27. coyemuse

    I Feel Like A Horrible Fish Mama

    So about a week and a half ago My spotty platy looked a little ragged. and since he was known to be bullied by my other fish, I moved him to my 10g to recoup with the guppies.   Well Ive had 1guppy die and in my75g Ive had a danio and a swordtail die (in the last day).   I was horrified to...