So about a week and a half ago My spotty platy looked a little ragged. and since he was known to be bullied by my other fish, I moved him to my 10g to recoup with the guppies.
Well Ive had 1guppy die and in my75g Ive had a danio and a swordtail die (in the last day).
I was horrified to discover that the 75g is showing full blown ich. And I didnt know... almost every fish in the 75g has the white spots and ragged fins.
Last night i did a 25% water change on both tanks.
My question is, with the catfish, cories and kuhlii, do i still do full doses or do i need to restrict?
Also, the meds say remove the carbon.... is that the removable pad stuff? I have 2 marineland filters...
Well Ive had 1guppy die and in my75g Ive had a danio and a swordtail die (in the last day).
I was horrified to discover that the 75g is showing full blown ich. And I didnt know... almost every fish in the 75g has the white spots and ragged fins.
Last night i did a 25% water change on both tanks.
My question is, with the catfish, cories and kuhlii, do i still do full doses or do i need to restrict?
Also, the meds say remove the carbon.... is that the removable pad stuff? I have 2 marineland filters...