Age and Sex of Indian Palm Squirrel


New Member
Dec 16, 2020
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Chennai, India
Hi!! I found this squirrel 4 days back, and waited for its mother. But it never came. Can you help me find the age and sex of this Indian Palm squirrel? What kind of food can I give for this baby? I currently give diluted cow's milk, and water. It would also mean the world to me, if someone could help as to how to find the difference between a male and a female squirrel in non-mating season, and also to find its age.


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It's tiny and probably only about 4 weeks old. It should be getting milk for squirrels and you will probably have to contact a vet or animal rehabilitation centre to find the correct type of milk for it. Cows milk tends to be bad for most mammals except cows. In an emergency, goat or sheep milk is generally better than cow's milk or look for kitten or puppy milk.

No idea about sexing them, certainly not at that age.

I would ring a vet or try to find a person who specialises in rehabilitating them.
Good luck :)
It's tiny and probably only about 4 weeks old. It should be getting milk for squirrels and you will probably have to contact a vet or animal rehabilitation centre to find the correct type of milk for it. Cows milk tends to be bad for most mammals except cows. In an emergency, goat or sheep milk is generally better than cow's milk or look for kitten or puppy milk.

No idea about sexing them, certainly not at that age.

I would ring a vet or try to find a person who specialises in rehabilitating them.
Good luck :)
Thanks much for the reply! I thought I'll leave it to trees in the next week. I'll probably contact a vet. I wanted to know it's gender just for naming it ?

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