
New Member
May 6, 2022
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Hi I'm Jamie I'm new to the hobby and I currently have a 10 gallon fish tank with a male red veil tailed betta fish his name is Cal and a golden mystery snail (not sure what my snails gender is yet).:)

I made a tank divider for my betta using a plastic mesh canvas and some binding bars I also used suction cups to hold it in place.

I'm planning on adding more mystery snails and some guppies this week.

Does anyone know what live plants would be good for my tank without making it to crowded?
Hello and welcome to the forum! :hi:

Is the divider you made for your tank see through? If so, it may cause stress to the Betta. This is because the Betta will be able to see the brightly colored fins of the Guppies and will confuse it for another Betta, causing him to flare or ram the divider. It’s best to have a solid colored divider (black usually works best) so this doesn’t happen.
I wouldn't worry if your divider was see through. Bettas flare.

But I wouldn't get guppies. I would get rid of the divider and see if I could get some harlequins, or some Bororas. Contrary to a recent dogma going the rounds, a healthy Betta is fine with carefully chosen tankmates. He won't harm them and they won't harm him. It might take him a day or two to figure that out, but what's a day or two in a five year life?
What is your lighting wattage?

If you want plants that can easily grow and don't require bright light/high wattage light, you can consider Anubias Nana, Hornworts, Anacharis Elodea, etc.
Hornworts and Anacharis Elodea are stem plants that don't require to be buried under the sand. They can be kept floating in the water.

For Anubias Nana, they have to be tie to a driftwood or rock and should not be buried under the sand.
Hello and welcome to the forum! :hi:

Is the divider you made for your tank see through? If so, it may cause stress to the Betta. This is because the Betta will be able to see the brightly colored fins of the Guppies and will confuse it for another Betta, causing him to flare or ram the divider. It’s best to have a solid colored divider (black usually works best) so this doesn’t happen.
its a white divider would it help if I doubled the mesh?
I wouldn't worry if your divider was see through. Bettas flare.

But I wouldn't get guppies. I would get rid of the divider and see if I could get some harlequins, or some Bororas. Contrary to a recent dogma going the rounds, a healthy Betta is fine with carefully chosen tankmates. He won't harm them and they won't harm him. It might take him a day or two to figure that out, but what's a day or two in a five year life?
Those sound like great options for my tank but the store I'm going to sadly doesn't sell those fish
Hi and welcome to TFF... :hi:
If you don't want those plants overcrowd the tank in a short period of time, use slow growers like Anubias, for instance.

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