20 Gallon Rescape

wow the second looks much better, looks great
Man of fish said:
This is definitely what I'd call a rescape! Looks terrific!
Yeah, haha. From:

Out of curiosity where'd you get those rocks?
Top secret location (a road pretty near my apartments). If you're interested, I might be able to pick some up and clean and we could meet somewhere next time im in atlanta? (not for a while now)
No it's fine, I have plenty of rocks in my backyard I'm sure I could find some similar! They look great against the black sand though!
Oh wow that looks a lot better-see how much of a difference more plants makes? Looks great :D
Now.. if only all those plants will grow..

ncguppy830 said:
i think the rocks add a great look to the tank
Man of fish said:
No it's fine, I have plenty of rocks in my backyard I'm sure I could find some similar! They look great against the black sand though!
Thanks! I really like my rocks. They're in all of my tanks.
cheers :) have taken off the thermometer since I didn't use it anyways. Got to clean the goop off it later!
I've also read those types of thermometers don't work very effectively because it's taking the temperature of the glass not the water? Unsure, I have one on my 10 gallon bowfront tank and it always read about 74-76 while my internal digital thermometer was reading 78-79
Seems about right. I also know they work better on glass than plastic.. not sure about acrylic. This was glass but i never thought it was very precise. 
Here is what I would do....

Remove some of the black sand and mix it with some natural looking sand or gravel. Say about 65% black sand extraction. then take a few of the white rocks out. Place a piece of driftwood(preferably bogwood)like mentioned but mid section buried underneath some of the substrate and rocks; so some branches or roots jut up through substrate at different point and angles.. place micro sword around remaining rocks and get some anacharis for the back of tank(partial) and maybe some Anubis to intermingle with it closely keeping contrast.

Make the substrate impact against the larger rocks as if there is a current; even overflowing(spilling)to the otherside-create ripples in the substrate there if you can.

I would leave the space where it was mentioned to place a plant in the corner of the tank; open from plant injection and place either a really tall slender rock that won't fall or a tall thing winding piece of driftwood(bogwood better yet)erected jutting up out of tank a little. tie some moss or fern to it at random spots....this will create a unique focal point; better than a plant-more abstract!!
Thank you for the suggestions! Here are a few pictures I took today, this is quickly becoming my favorite tank!



Bought as a GBR - but is he a bolivian?

Looks like a Gold ram to me but not positive.

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