
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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  1. E

    Dying Harlequins

    Hi! I am really worried about one of my tanks!  In the last week I've had 3 harlequins die. the first two showed no symptoms but the last one had a white fuzz on its face/side of body.  That one only died yesterday so I havent had time to get out and get any meds yet, I've been adding a low...
  2. A

    Help All My Fish Except My Guppies Are Dying!

    Hello, I have a tropical fresh water 55 gallon tank and it has been running since the middle of August. I let it cycle for a week then added 3 Cory's, 2 farawella cats, and 2 ray loaches (I think that's what they are called but I'm not sure), and 2 turquoise gourami's. My tank was doing great...
  3. mrstwalker

    Death Bed Platy?! :(

    My beautiful sunset/wagtail platy is at wits end..    I came home from an all day outing to find my male platy drained of color (black tail now white/clear..red faded on body) and hovering near the top of the tank.  i believe i spotted some ich on his mouth, so my husband and i tested the pH...
  4. Kabernick30


    So i noticed 1 of my 3 new zebra danios had his scales sticking out and icame to the conclusion that he had dropsy but he died 5 minutes after i found out...three hours later my black phantom died with no obvious signs of dropsy however his balance was off and he was swimming without control...
  5. D

    Urgent Urgent Help Needed!

    Hi Guys so im going to give you a basic break down of the history of my setup and what i need help with.   I bought a 4ft tank with angel fish and a few other fish. very mature tank (jewel)   didnt like angel fish or tank so sold it.   Bought a used marine tank. took all substrate out and...
  6. C

    Discus Blackened, And Dying.

    Hello, I have 4 discus in a 60 gallon tank with a sand substrate and 3 amazon swords in it. There is also some driftwood. Tankmates are 6 harlequin raspboras, 3 german blue rams, 1 oto, and 11 corydoras. I once had 6 discus, but 1 disappeared after a short vacation, another died about 3 months...
  7. T

    2 Swordtails Dead In A Week

    I've got a 70L tank with (or rather had!) 4 Swordtails, 1 Male + 3 Females and a small Pleco. The tank has only been running for 3 weeks but I didn't do a cycle. I added API Stress Coat & Stress Zyme then left the filter running for 3 days. Went to Pets at Home (Sadly the only place stocking...
  8. P

    Helpp Everythings Dying .......again

    So my partner bought the fluval roma 125 from pets at home in december after cycling he added...over a few months 2corys 5 indian guarmis dozen neons 3 balas and a pleco o and some guppys he had the internal filter thst came with it and a fluval 206 external everything part from nitrates were 0...
  9. tmoney7

    Anubis Is Dying

    I have some anubis plants in my 10 gal with some cherry shrimp and most of my plants are doing fine but one of them has a leaf that is wilting and turning kind of yellow and another one has black spot all over it as though its just dying.  Anyone know what could be causing this my pH is kept at...
  10. S

    **urgent** Fish Slowly Dying...

    Hi,   One of my Silvertip tetras had been fin nipped about a month ago, was growing back fine and then it was nipped again a week later. So far it has not grown back but that isn't my issue. 5 days ago it started to swim sort of on it's side, and then eventually was just laying on the gravel on...
  11. D

    Gradually Losing Female Guppy's

    Tank size: 34L Link pH: 7.5 ammonia: 1 ppm (4 ppm two days ago) nitrite: 1 ppm (0 two days ago) nitrate: 5 ppm (30 this morning) (0 two days ago) kH: N/A - I don't have a test for these. gH: N/A tank temp: 22 'c (I have it colder than usual for the weather loaches)   I am testing twice daily at...
  12. Jessman

    Guppy Fin Rot, Help!

    I have a tank full of platys and guppies, a two or three guppies have died over the past few months due to old age. So i bought 5 new ones today from the lfs, 3 females and 2 males. ( ratio of all guppies in my tank are 3:1) in the lfs the males and females are kept seperately, i noticed after a...
  13. H

    All Guppies In Community Tank Are Dying

    I have a community fish tank that has been fine for awhile, I recently bought some new fish from the pet shop, which I think introduced something into my tank. All of my guppies are dying, they are the only type of fish to be affected, the bettas, tetras, loaches and catfish etc are unaffected...
  14. S

    Help Sick Fish!

    Hey everyone I have a 65g setup that has been running for 2 1/2 months. My tank is cycled and the levels are good. I came home today to find 2 clown loaches very sick and one just passed away. I'm not sure why they have gotten sick as every other fish in the tank seems to be more than fine. I'm...
  15. S

    Sick Fish

    Hey everyone I have a 65g setup that has been running for 2 1/2 months. My tank is cycled and the levels are good. I came home today to find 2 clown loaches very sick and one just passed away. I'm not sure why they have gotten sick as every other fish in the tank seems to be more than fine. I'm...
  16. Z

    New 10 Gallon Tank

    im a new freshwater fish tank owner. my fish are currently sick to the point where they have white specks and some havve red marks on them. i have 3 fan tails on which their tails are not normal, have 2 betas that are depressed and have white spots also. my neon seems to be fine. i used the test...
  17. Z


    hi, im a new fresh water fish tank owner. recently i introduced 3 fish to my tank. about 4 days ago i started noticing that my fish were getting stressed and one already died. i have three fan tails, 2 betas and a neon fish. i have had a fantail that died and a black moor that also died. my...
  18. pablothebetta

    Low Maintenance Tank Ideas And A Couple Of Current Problems

    As the title suggests, this topic has a couple of different parts so I wasn't quite sure where to place it - I hope here is appropriate. I've become rather busy recently and my tank is currently in a bit of a state. Plants are dying (java fern turns brown and leaves no longer grow large and...
  19. I

    Oto Cat Paralysis? Dying?

    Hello. I joined this forum to ask this question. Here's my current tank set-up: I have a 20 gallon tank with an under-gravel filtration system as well as a new power filter (rated for 20-30 gallon aquariums). I don't have a good water testing kit but the pH is pretty much 7.0, no detectable...
  20. LicianDragon

    Guppies Are Dying But No Water Quality Issues?

    I have a 20 gallon tank that was set up about 3 months ago. I started it off with 10 feeder guppies. 3 survived cycling(and the fin rot they all had when I bought them). The tank currently has no issues with ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate. I added male fancy guppies later. Currently in the tank...