
  1. N

    Female betta tankmates

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 12 celestial pearl danios, 12 harlequin rasboras and 6 kuhli loaches, can I add a female betta? I understand that CPD are very shy fish and I don't want to stress them out by the betta being there. I also don't want the betta to be stressed by all the small fish...
  2. A

    Missing Danio

    My second last remaining Zebra Danio has been dying over the past four-ish days and I thought he was under a piece of wood. However I have looked everywhere and he just is not there! This happened about a year ago and I never found a corpse. What should I do?
  3. cynful

    Hi there!

    Both my husband and I have started our new hobby of fishkeeping. I grew up around fish tanks so I have basic knowledge but wanted to join a community of more experienced fishkeepers who can help me to identify issues and give information to resolve those issues. I am a huge animal lover of all...
  4. R


    hi, so i’ve got some danio and platy fish in my tank and i didn’t know that any were pregnant however when i looked in my tank tonight i saw this hovering near the filter and I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what breed it is. I’ve been looking very closely on images and videos of...
  5. A

    HELP danio!!!

    I’m very much a newbie to fish keeping I have a 21 gal tank which I had 7 danios 3 white clouds 2 plecs and a few guppies. now I have only 3 danios I don’t know where the others went they just slowly disappeared the only theory I could come up with is them died over night and the others eating...
  6. Honey Fish

    Zebra Danio talk

    My guppie care forum was getting turned into zebra danio forum so this is the forum to talk about anything about zebra danios. Questions, sharing, etc
  7. F

    Danio help!!!

    Only one of them has it bad. They have loads of withe scales not withe spots but the actual scales are white on its back but bc they are so fast a could Only get a snap of these 2 water perms fine tho.
  8. A

    Sick minnow+danio+guppy?

    About a few weeks ago I had bought a 21gal tank and I had a 4gal tank with a minnow and a danio (all the others died off). I had only bought this bigger tank because I wanted to give them friends so I left the tank for like 4 days with a filter from a cycled tank and live plants. Then when I...
  9. L

    danios aren't eating and swimming frantically

    Hi again. I have 5 Danios and 2 of them aren't eating much... (Either none at all or 1/2 bites) It started yesterday morning. (I feed them 2 times a day) What I did: I've separated them to another tank, put in some decors to make it feel like home. I fed them 5 times today. One of them ate...
  10. L

    Male or female danio?

    Hi, I'm new here (and I'm also new to caring for fishes). I've got 5 zebra danios and I would like to know their genders. Here's what they look like:  (I know... Naming them abcde is so mean hahahaha but I've got no other way) So please let me know who's a male and who's a female. Thank...
  11. rianna21

    What is up with my Danio?

    Hi, I’ve attached a youtube video of my Danio which I have had for maybe 3 months now. The last few weeks its been looking really chubby and has an extra kind of hump under its chin. Now it seems to be breathing quickly and keeping away from the others. Is it pregnant and going to lay eggs...
  12. C

    How long is the danio going to live after this incident?

    I took a bit of time to re-gather myself. Please don't laugh at what I did but I was panicking. I have danios. They jump all the time, so I had my lid closed. I was doing a water change and went to get water. Meanwhile, I forget to close the lid, and a danio jumped out despite the water level...
  13. April_ht

    70 Litre High Stocking Ideas

    So I currently own a 70 litre high tank with approximate dimensions of 60x30x(40 or 50?), which is around 18.5 US gallons. The tank is currently holding 9 platies without a heater, though I do have one available if need be. As I’m planning on getting rid of (rehoming) 4+ of the platies due to...
  14. rianna21

    My platy is sad :(

    Hi everyone, sorry if this isnt the right place to post, I’m looking for some advice. My variatus platy has been avoiding food for 3 weeks now, and prefers to stay at the top of the tank, near the bottom or swimming up and down the sides. When I say avoiding, I mean it literally swims in the...
  15. C

    Danios cuddling together

    Hello all, What does it mean when my danios are cuddling together in groups of two to four rather than swimming on the surface? Fish - Imgur *images It seems like my danios aren't preferring to swim in the open area. Sometimes they get into small groups and swim along the bottom of the tank...
  16. O

    Is My Pearl Danio Pregnant??

    Hiiii! My Pearl Danio is looking much rounder lately and I'm new to this hobby so can someone please tell me if my Danio is knocked up.
  17. Kat1053

    Rasbora or danio?

    Hi everyone! I’m kind of new to fish keeping I currently have a male betta fish and a zebra snail in a 5 gallon tank and I’m in the process of cycling a 10 gallon but I can’t decide wether to get galaxy rasboras or maybe zebra danios, the filter I have for the 10gal has a bit of a current and my...
  18. G

    Pink Zebra Danios with Rosy Barbs ?

    (Dont mind my bad English) I have 7 Rosy barbs in my 40gal tank who are 1.5 - 2.5 inches in sizes. They were living with a gourami(3 spot). The gourami have grown way too big so I've given her back to the fish store. I saw there some beautiful pink zebra danios and was very tempted to buy those...
  19. Juliak

    Black Ghost Knife Fish and Bichir Tank Size Suggestions

    I recently bought a 2" black ghost knife fish. As of right now, he is in a 60 gallon aquarium with my 2 Senegal bichirs (3-4"), 2 rope fish (12"), 2 giant danios (2"), 1 dojo loach (5"), and 3 adult bronze corys. Most of the fish in this tank (bichirs, rope fish, and BGK fish are very calm and...
  20. D

    Is my glow fish sick, fat, or pregnant?

    Hey everyone! I’m new to fish keeping. I had three danio glow fish. Unfortunately two of them died because the heater broke and they didn’t make it. This one has always been the biggest but I’ve noticed it’s gettingeven bigger. We named it hulk because he likes to eat a lot and survived. I’ve...
  21. Tegz

    Surprise globra danio hybrids

    Hi there just thought I'd share these little beauties with all you fishy folk. I had the pair of adults in quarentine and when I moved them to my community tank I noticed some fry in the other tank. Their colour and patterns are still developing but they look better everyday.
  22. W

    Are these parasitic worms?

    Hi can someone tell me what this is... at first I thought it was parasitic worms but I noticed in the thing hanging for the female danio are loads of yellow specs? Thanks
  23. Falconwithaboxon


    So I have way over stocked my tank and I'm looking to get a new one. I have 2 angelfish, 3 dwarf gourami, 2 mollies, 4 platies, 10 neon tetras, 4 cories, 4 algae eaters, 4 danios, and 3 snails. I had 20 ghost shrimp but I'm pretty sure they got ate by my other fish as there's no bodies from...
  24. W

    Danio Fish

    I have one male and one female danio fish who is very clearly caring roe, however she not laying her eggs... they have been in a breeding tank for 48 hours, but still nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
  25. cmhassinger

    Neon danio hunchback

    So I’ve had this neon danio for maybe a month now and it was always tiny and looked so skinny. And now recently I noticed it’s getting a hunchback. I seen things online that say it could be a birth defect and he is probably in pain. I feel so bad and not sure what to do. Any help would be...
  26. I

    Danio has a white patch

    Does anyone know what this white patch might be? It doesn’t look like ich. Is it a fungus? I recently (today) adjusted the temperature by 1 degree higher and didn’t notice it before that.
  27. K

    Swollen leopard danios? Or pregnant?

    Hello all! I woke up this morning and noticed some of my leopard danios look swollen and one is even swimming slightly tilted to the right. I’ve had my tank for about 7 weeks now and I did a water change this past Saturday. I also placed at the time of water change API aquarium salt as I was...
  28. K

    Small zebra fish not eating for over 3 days

    Hello guys! I am new to the hobby and have been educating myself a lot on how to properly care for a tank. I waited to add fish to the tank and have been carefully measuring the water. I’ve had a school of danios in my tank since last Thursday. At first I purchased 2 zebra danios and 2 long fin...
  29. Jan Cavalieri

    Zebra is not welcome to come to school!!!

    I have a serial killer zebra danio (normally a peaceful species) that killed his "brothers" AND a much loved Gourami. His punishment? Life in prison with a school of Harlequin Rasboras He keeps trying to join them, but as soon as he does they switch directions. At first I thought it was...
  30. Jan Cavalieri

    Evil, Evil Zebra Danio's

    I have (or had) a group of seven that delightfully schooled very well. So much and at such speed that the rest of the fish in the tank just had to get out of the way. They are described everywhere as "peaceful schooling fish". Buried in a book I read that they are also known to be fin...
  31. J

    fry, fry and now eggs!

    Dear all Very new to the aquarium world and decided to bite bullet and set up 60litre tropical aquarium- tank cycled and decided Danio were the safest starter fish. Fast forward 12 weeks and now have 4 leopard danio and one zebra, one panda Cory (had two - one died a week ago) Last week I...
  32. S

    Hiya, newbie with poss TB emergency

    Hi all, brand new and first time posting. I'm Shireen and I set up a tank in my daughter's room about 18 months ago... 30 litres with plastic and real plants, no heater but sits around 20 degrees as wanted to keep temperate fish. Test the water regularly and have never had any problems. I put in...
  33. V

    My Zebra Danio has a chunk missing? scab?

    Hi. I straight away i want to say I am not great with all the measurements like pH and all. but.. Few weeks age my danio was hiding away and rocking side to side. Then, it suddenly starred swimming around with other fish and swimming around alot. However his colour went pale. The moment he got...
  34. J

    My first tank!

    Hello everyone! This is my first post and tank! For Christmas I received an Interpret 5.5 gal glow life aquarium kit. It's pretty much set up for globefish, but it's compatible with any. I washed the tank only an hour after opening it and I washed the gravel in a spaghetti strainer so my water...
  35. A

    Does my Fish Have Dropsy??

    So I was wondering whether or not my zebra danio has dropsy or if it's just over weight. The fish doesnt have pineconing scales and seems perfectly fine other than his protuding stomach. When it comes to eating, the fish devours all the food and steals it from other fish. Hes always seems to...
  36. fropuf

    New Danio Tank Help

    Hi.   My brother wants some fish, and he already has selected the fish he want's: 5 danios (Glofish) I am going to have a 33 gallon for him soon to use, and it has a filter, heater, everything. I need to know how much maintenance this species will need, as well as how well they can deal with...
  37. fropuf

    Help First Time Doing My Own Tank!

    Hello everyone! I have plans for a new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Money is no factor right now, but I want to see if my idea is even feasible.   The tank will be 55 gallons, but can be upgraded to 75 gallons. Bottom substrate is probably going to be gravel with sand covering it. Plant life is...
  38. MichaelCrook

    Danio: Red Gills, Red Anus, Pineconing

    Just had to put down a danio as out of nowhere (we keep a close eye... well we thought we did) our 1.5 year old danio had red gills and anus (as shown below) it also has pineconing/droopsy  Just check the levels, 0 amonia and 0 nitrite. From our understanding pineconing is caused via internal...
  39. FurFinFeathers

    Pale Zebra Danio?

    I've recently been noticing that out of my five danios, one of them has much duller stripes than the others. He acts normally, but just has duller stripes than the others. All of the other fish in the tank are perfectly healthy, and he acts perfectly healthy. Is it something to be worried about...
  40. JenLo

    First Guppies, Then Tetras Now Danios... Whole Tank Slowly Dying

    The numbers of fish in my tank have depleted by half in the last 2 weeks. It all began when I introduced 4 new guppies and 2 new platies Two guppies and 1 platy dies within 48 hours Two more shortly after Since then I have lost 2 cardinal tetras and 2 danios... There's not much left :( I...