
  1. Aquarist.exe

    Fish identification help

    I caught these really pretty fish in my local freshwater canals, being in Florida, I can’t tell if they are a sort of cichlid fry or something more common in Florida. I’m currently keeping 3 in one of my aquariums. If I could get some help identifying them that would be amazing!
  2. N

    Newbie - c.80-90cm wide/c.125 L tank suggestions, setup and general advice (upgrading from 19L)

    I’m a newbie who was gifted a small Fluval Spec 19L tank (″ (W 52 x D 19 x H 30 cm, for reference) with 5 armano shrimp and a few fish (not sure what they are!) about 4-5 months ago. I have some tap safe and water cleaner, and have been doing 10-15% water changes every 7-14 days. I'm in London...
  3. Goosegrl2019

    Setting up a new 55 gallon tank

    How long should it take to cycle & do the products out there to speed this process up work??
  4. Aynia

    Cycle not finishing - Fish dying - Help!

    Hey all, brand new here and fairly new to the fish keeping hobby. We always had fish growing up, and I had betta's in university, but it hasn't been until the last few months that I've really been diving into the hobby and learning as much as I can. About 2 months ago we got a brand new 38gal...
  5. T

    Corydora with whit spot on fin

    Hello, so I have had 3 corydoras in my tank for around 5 months now and they have been completely fine so far however 2 days ago I noticed a small white lump on his back fin and decided to monitor it. It has not gone away so am wondering if anyone knows what it is and how I can treat it. I have...
  6. T

    Suspected dwarf gourami illness PLEASE HELP!!

    So I bought 2 dwarf gouramis about 5 months back and after around a week one died. I put this down to stress as I didn't see any symptoms, he just died but now, the remaining one has recently had a long string of white poop coming out of him constantly so I fed mashed peas for a few days. We now...
  7. R

    What to know about 10 Gallon Aquariums?

    Hey! I'm new here :) Just wanted to ask what the major facts I need to consider when considering about the 10 gallon aquarium. This article had some interesting facts. Will those help me?
  8. Ingrid

    Plastic tub aquarium

    We have one aquarium and are thinking of getting another one . We could buy a normal aquarium but on the advice of another member who said you could use large clear containers with clear lid . I think this a great idea and so I am wondering is it possible and are there any different things I...
  9. fishperson100

    Favorite Aquarium Books

    Hey all! I’m thinking about purchasing some aquarium books to have on hand (and because they are fun to read :)). Do you guys have any suggestions?
  10. T

    Can I feed Betta micro crisps?

    Hello, today I bought a Betta for my aquarium and was wondering if I can feed them micro crisps by the brand tetra. It says on the side they are for all ornamental fish. Thanks .
  11. T

    Shrimp hiding all of the time

    Hi, so I had a new aquarium around a month ago and had a couple of amano shrimp in there. The shrimp, along with all of the other fish were really happy and doing great. However i haven't seen my shrimp in around a week now so I looked for them and got a torch and looked under some drift wood...
  12. T

    Strange brown stuff on tank glass

    Hello, I came to my tank yesterday and there was a strange brown thing on the inside of the tank glass, I had noticed it a few days ago but it was really small so I thought nothing of it but by yesterday it had grown to almost triple the size, so today I cleaned the tank out and used a sponge to...
  13. ukdamon

    Fluval Edge 23L

    Hello, I love the look of the Fluval Edge, but I understand it can be a pain to maintain due to accessing the inside of it. Do any of you have a Fluval Edge for your shrimp and how do you get on with it? Obviously I would add a pre-filter sponge to protect the babies.
  14. ukdamon

    My 60L Auquarium

    Hi Guys, here is a pic of my 60L Fluval Aquarium I have more photos on my new website
  15. C

    What else should I stock?

    I have a 30 gallon planted fish tank with 9 black neon tetras 5 false julii Cory's and 3 amano shrimp. What else should I add. I was thinking about a dwarf cichlid but I am not sure what to go with I have 2 ceramic caves also. I was also thinking about adding some more shrimp if so how many...
  16. AquariumFishRescue

    Photograph of our 200 litre aquarium

    This is our 200 litre community aquarium. It is stocked with fish that all seem get along together so far. This list includes live bearers inc Guppies, Mollies and Swordtails, two small Bristlenose Pleco, some Columbian Tetras (some say they are fin nippers but we have not experienced this so...
  17. AquariumFishRescue

    Hello from Staffordshire in the UK.

    Hello, my name is John. I have been in the fishkeeping hobby since the 1980's, but have had a period of 'away' time. My wife and I set ourselves back up into the hobby earlier this year (2018), and currently have 4 aquariums. We are looking to add a large garden pond this year and at some...
  18. C

    Tank lid: What do you use?

    If they're not the standard cover/condensation lid, what do you use? I would like images then I can get some ideas. Thanks in advance
  19. SgtSparkles

    Making Aqueon's 90 Gallon Stand Actually hold 90 Gallons

    I scored this 90 gallon tank stand from a lps for half price after some minor shipping damage. Well looking closer it's only assembled with wood glue and staples. I know the stand supposedly will support a full 90 gallon tank but the tank is over 100 lbs and 90 gallons of water is 720 lbs, and I...
  20. Chelipe831

    What is the gender of my Dalmatian lyre tail balloon molly?

    So I have a 20 gallon tank I will be putting a new Dalmatian Molly into but was wondering what is the gender of the fish?
  21. A

    My betta doesn't look happy.

    Hi guys. My betta fish looks always tired and sad . Sometimes he turns aside and usually stays at the bottom. His aquarium is 2.5 gallon. His temperature is 25-27° I don't overfeed him. And now he lives alone in the aquarium. He only gets happy when he sees me ( he become more active and look...
  22. Marc Davis

    No Filter, No Heater, No co2, No Ferts. Walstad Nano Betta Fish Tank

    Hi guys. I'm new here and cant believe ive only just found this site! Place looks nice and active. Good to have a place where you can speak to people as sad as you are about fish haha. I set up this tank up recently for a long term project. I'll be doing weekly time lapse updates to see the...
  23. M

    Need Advice. Will This Tank Fit These Fish?

    Ive recently been gifted 3 Mollies and 2 Angelfish as a present, all of which are very young. I currently have them in a 20L tank as it was the only one I had, yet I know I need a bigger tank. Im new to aquariums and am looking to buy an aquarium that comes with built in filter and heater etc. I...
  24. mark150389

    Tropical needed!

    Hi all, As a keen follower/poster of road cycling forums I know how annoying it is for people to repost repetitive questions.. for that I am eternally sorry! I've just bought a 240l fish tank and I have no idea what to do with it! My girlfriend has kept tropical fish for 4-5 yrs in a small...
  25. J

    New to aquariums, and I just have some questions :)

    Hey guys! Over the summer I want to start a 5 gallon tank and I have been looking up what kind of fish you can keep in that size of tank, because I know it's super small. I was thinking either a betta, or some tetras of some sort, or shrimp. So my first question is how many of each fish can I...
  26. Brendt

    Tetra tank

    Hi guys, I’m still cycling my tank but today added decorations to it, the picture of my tank is attached. I wanted to go for a natural look and wanted to know how I did as I’m a beginner... also if you think my tank (when cycled) will be good for a couple tetras and if they will be happy. It’s...
  27. Fish345

    Are There Any Semi Aquatic Freshwater Crabs?

    What are they called? Can these live in 10 gallon? How many?
  28. giobelkoicenter

    Mini aquascape empty jar bottle with betta will make you awe

    This is my mini aquascape setup empty jar bottle with beautiful halfmoon nave blue betta
  29. A

    Pacu with other fish? etc

    I am getting a 3-4 inch Pacu tomorrow and I will be putting it in a 10 gallon with 2 other Firemouth Cichlids (small) and yes I know I need a way bigger tank but for now I will keep it in a 10 gallon until it gets about 6 inches then into my 20 gallon, but what other small fish or snails do you...
  30. Ian.ryan

    2 weeks into my new aquarium setup

    Here is an image of how my first Aquarium looks.
  31. S

    Good tank size for betta?

    I’m planning to get a betta fish but I’m unsure if the tank is too small. I will get a heater soon but right now I’m cycling. If it’s too small I’ll just get zebra dinos but I REALLY want a betta fish. :( any advice is welcome! P.s mini Christmas tree for scale
  32. W

    Help identify my baby snail.

    Bought some plants earlier. Got them in the tank and noticed this little snail wandering around the leaves. Probably an easy identification but I'm new to tropical fish and wasn't sure. Thanks in advance.
  33. F

    My Name is Jordan and I'm Addicted to Fishkeeping...

    (Hi Jordan) So it all started a few years ago... My girlfriend and I purchased a 10g tank for our daughter. After 2 months of having that tank, I did some research... and took on the challenge of a 75g saltwater fish tank. Surprisingly the tank did well but I wasn't able to grow coral...
  34. JasonAz

    Mini skimmer too disruptive?

    Hi, im currently 2 weeks in to cycling my first aquarium which is salt water and 20 gallons. Ive given the mini protien skimmer time to break in, and so far seems to be working properly but i was wonder if its too loud for the fish. From outside the tank its pretty loud and most likely louder in...
  35. Sege


    Hi :-) I am still new to the fish keeping hobby and I had a couple questions about duckweed. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :-) 1) What are the benefits of having duckweed in an aquarium? I have a 10 gallon tank that is filtered by a TopFin 10 and heated by a...
  36. L

    Glad I Found This Spot

    My name is Wanda. I am a daughter, child of God, wife, mother of three sons, grandmother of two girls and two boys. I am a disabled veteran of the Army after 22 years where we spent 16 years in Germany and the rest at Fort Campbell, KY. I retired from the Army in 1997 and I worked around the...
  37. Tyler_Fishman


    I welcomed Cope pods greatly into my aquarium, they provide a food source for my fish, their are 100's of them everywhere. I've read they are sign of a healthy tank. Is this true?
  38. TheBettaMan

    Betta Breeders in California

    Hello everyone, I am looking for dumbo ear bettas for my new tank. Does anyone know any breeders around California or inside the US who breed pretty bettas? Thanks in advance!
  39. Tyler_Fishman

    Iron pill supplements, my results

    Root tabs can be expensive and not very convenient for me, as none of my lps sell them. I went to Walmart and checked out the medicine section, I purchased Spring Valley iron (27mg). My concern sprouted from reading my Osmocote fertilizer label (Which I use for my plants already) label, I saw no...
  40. Tyler_Fishman

    Ignorance is Bliss.. well sort of

    Today at the pet store I went to buy an Amano shrimp, expecting a hefty price I brought a good amount of cash. My other store sells Amano shrimp for 3.99$ with tax its about 4.30$ for one shrimp. Its expensive but they are essential members to any freshwater clean up crew. They were selling...