Favorite Aquarium Books

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Well, the very old book Exotic Aquarium Fishes by Dr. William T. Innes was once the Bible of the aquarium hobby. Today it is still a must for every aquarists library as a history of this great hobby. It explains the basics of fish care that have not changed since Dr. Innes' day. Some information is very outdated however. It has a section on the most popular fish in the hobby and the basic needs of each. I think everyone should have a library of fish books. Today there is so much information on the internet that it is staggering. Books get out of date quickly sometimes but in most books there is all those little obscure bits of information that other sources gloss over. And then there is the old time joy of reading that the backlit screen can't duplicate. I like books.
I bought this book on ebay. It's 400 pages long with lots of great pics and information. Great to display on a coffee table.
If I were you I would buy any books you are interested in used via ebay. The book I posted is selling for less than $5 shipped.
Go to the local library and borrow some. It's a lot cheaper and you can read the books and if you really like them, then buy that book from a shop or online.

If you really want to buy a book, get "Baensch Aquarium Atlas" (Vol. 1). It covers water chemistry, filters, diseases, plants, and has lots of common freshwater fishes in. The other volumes are primarily fish and don't have the water chemistry, diseases and other good bits in.
Thank you guys! Fishmaniac, I have actually read that book :) Colin_T, I have read nearly all of the books from my library concerning fishkeeping.
Go to the local library and borrow some. It's a lot cheaper and you can read the books and if you really like them, then buy that book from a shop or online.

If you really want to buy a book, get "Baensch Aquarium Atlas" (Vol. 1). It covers water chemistry, filters, diseases, plants, and has lots of common freshwater fishes in. The other volumes are primarily fish and don't have the water chemistry, diseases and other good bits in.
Thanks for the tip. Just bought it on EBay for $6.86 with free shipping!
For the beginner: For an all-around guide to basic water chemistry and cycling, aquarium husbandry, and livestock care:
The Manual of Fish Health by Dr. Andrews

For a more in-depth and updated guide to fish disease and health:
Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment by Edward J. Noga

For an excellent set of diagnostic charts for identifying illness in fish:
Handbook of Fish Diseases by Dieter Untergasser

For identification of fishes:
Aquarium Atlas by Hans A. Baensch

And, because I am also interested in Aquarium design and plants and you may also beA:

For a basic introductory guide to plant identification/selection, water chemistry requirements, fertilizing, Co2 et al...
Sunken Gardens by Karen A. Randall

Pure inspiration in aquarium design:
Nature Aquarium World by Takashi Amano

An indepth guide to all things aquatic plants; with colored pictures of aquarium plants, descriptions, native conditions and requirements in aquarium:
Aquarium Plants by Christel Kasselman

Then, once you are proficient in this- go to the following. It is not a starting point- but, an end-point; when you are proficient in the above.
Planted Aquarium by Diana Walstadt
A snapshot of my fish "Library"

It is nice to see people using Martin A Moe's book. Although It is marine, a lot of the DIY in the systems book is really useful.Most people I know who work in Aquariums have that book somewhere.
The DK one Fishmanic posted I saw while I was in Canada and thought it was interesting and full of good info so I picked it up.
If anyone is so inclined the Goldfish varieties and genetics book is well worth a read!
The top photo is more work based ( hence the proteomics handbook) but still part of the fish library.

I like to scan the old bookshops because you find some interesting little gems. This book from 1908 with these beautiful illustrations.
Hey Lumpfish, can you show the cover of The Manual of Fish Health?
If it's the book I'm thinking of, it's a great one for people here. Has lots of pictures of sick fish as well as microscope pictures of the actual disease organisms. Worth getting if you can find it.

I had an aquarium fish book from 1922, it might be the same one you have posted but a later edition. It showed how they heated the water for tropical fish. They had copper stands with the fish bowl on the top shelf and adjustable shelves underneath. They had candles or oil lamps on the bottom shelves and you adjusted the shelf height to raise or lower the water temperature in the bowl.

There was a picture of a large planted aquarium with a bunch of candles underneath it keeping the water warm, and a row of incandescent globes above it for the plants.

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