
  1. moonmist

    Help ID algae? Bacteria?

    Hi everyone. My tank has been cycling for a little over 2 weeks now (only plants) and I’ve been noticing some VERY tiny brownish almost red dots everywhere like on the glass and especially on my Monte Carlo plants, it’s extremely light and you can’t really see it unless you’ve got your face...
  2. E

    problems with hair algae

    I am new to fish keeping and aquatic plants. We purchased a fluval flex 15 gallon tank that has been running for about 3 months. There is hair like algae that grows on all the plants, and the plants seem to be a little stunted. The new growth on the plants is green but the older growth is...
  3. T

    HELP! Algea, Fungus, and Snail Eggs???

    Hi, I have a 55 gallon aquarium that's been cycled for a month or so at least. No fish in it at the moment but a while ago a fish died and I couldn't find it so I couldn't take it out of the tank. Now I have - brown algea looking stuff on my rocks and plants - Some dark green or black algea...
  4. P

    Diatoms that WONT go away

    Hey guys i’m new to fish keeping, i have 3 cory catfish in a 10 gallon. (i know i need to get more lol) but i have brown algae all over the walls of the tank. i do weekly water changes where i take 75% of the water out and then wipe down the inside of the tank with a wet cloth to get out all the...
  5. Meg0000

    High temperature in summer abd crystal red shrimps

    TEMPERATURE Hi, I will be moving my 10 gallon aquarium in the dining room this winter, the problem is that the temperature of this room gets up to 26°c in summer. I have chrystal red shrimps, is it too high for them? If it is I will be transfering them in my 55 gallon, the temperature in this...
  6. L

    Help, Algae eating fish needed

    Hey, I have a 56 litre tank but I can’t seem to find any algea eaters that’ll be okay with the fish I have in my tank. I have 3 Electric Blue Rams, One Dwarf Gourami, and 5 Serpae Tetras. I had otos before but they keep dying. The tank doesn’t produce that much algae it’s quite far away from the...
  7. Meg0000


    Hi, I think I have algea on my plants, what type is it and how can I get rid of it?
  8. W

    Brown Diatoms Help Thanx

    hello ive had a marine tank setup for 5_6years now, which includes lots of live rock, sand bed, 3 bubbletips, 2 clowns, 1 yellow tail blue damsel, 54litre tank, arcadia 21watt led strip light, 3000wave maker powerhead and fluval exturnal filter with all ceramic, floss, carbon, nitrates remover...
  9. GuppyGirl20

    White Algae?

    This might seem like a stupid question but is there white algae? I bought a plat for my tank maybe a week ago (ish) and it was the kind that is sold out of tank (idk brand name but they're packaged so they're "snail free guaranteed"). I got back home from a weekend at home and I notice on the...
  10. Bettabuddy664

    Snail Problem

    Hi guys, I have 2 Chinese Algae eaters one is about an inch, and the other is about half an inch. Anyways, I also have 2 Apple Snails, 1 Black and 1 Gold. They are very active and outgoing, but the big algae eater likes to suck on their shells, which draws them back into their shells. After that...
  11. F

    What Kind Of Algea Is This And How Do I Remove It?

    Its a bright green algea and it spreads over my substrate (fine gravel) and looks like some sort of filmy membrain but overnight it shrivils up and turns into a slimy brown clump that floats to the top. It then repeats this cycle every few days. sorry I couldent give any pics of what it looks like.