Brown Diatoms Help Thanx

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Sep 27, 2011
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ive had a marine tank setup for 5_6years now, which includes lots of live rock, sand bed, 3 bubbletips, 2 clowns, 1 yellow tail blue damsel, 54litre tank, arcadia 21watt led strip light, 3000wave maker powerhead and fluval exturnal filter with all ceramic, floss, carbon, nitrates remover etc.
about 3_4months ago started having brown diatoms algae all over sand bed, glass and stuff, me and shop tested for phosphates turned out a little high,so changed water over 3_4weeks and added phosphate remover in filter it removed phosphate til nil, i give the tank one little pinch of marine pellets for the 3 fish one a day, all my water parameters are perfect, i added the wavemaker due to possible dead spots of movement and yet i still have loads of this brown algea and now evan floating on top of the water which ill be skimming off later with paper towels. can you all help me please if you could tar
First off do you have any reef cleaner fish or inverts like the scooter blenny or turbo snails.
next what protein skimmer do you have?
no only one turbo snail and used to have a skimmer but wasent needed after 3years of using it it didnt seem to get much crap so junked it.
A skimmer is a must for a saltwater setup even though it doesn't skim much as it does skim a bit of ammonia so that algae wont grow sine it consumes ammonia and nitrates. you can try some UV lighting since it does help control algae. you really need cleaner shrimp in my opinion. they do wonders in preventing and controlling algae
my setup does run through a uv sterilizer, and ammonia, nitrate, phosphates, are all nill, i haven't had this problem before only when it was cycling years ago, there must be some other problem? ill try a another skimmer but still might be summit else surely?
you can also try to lower your lighting time. how many hours of lighting does it get in a day?
I think you would want to lower the lighting levels a bit up to 6 hours.
Just to be sure but you can also try to turn off the lighting for 3 days to make sure the algae dies back
so u think its lighting, if i did turn off the lights for a few days, wont it come back afterwards? ive got anotger akimmer coming so will c if that helps too.
wildstyle4 said:
so u think its lighting, if i did turn off the lights for a few days, wont it come back afterwards? ive got anotger akimmer coming so will c if that helps too.
just update the posts :D I do think its excess organic matter in the water
so skimming would benifit, seeing the parims are all nill, just confused why its happening when waters great, evan the 2 fish shops are non the wiser tar for support

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