What do you drive?

that's an accord coupe

about 60mph, I was driving with bald tires when a car cut in front of me from the other lane

I came out of the car uninjured and didn't feel much of the impact other than the OH #### part
William said:
You need to get neon underlights dude 8) :thumbs:
are neon underlights popular in UK william? I have only ever seen 1 car with them here.
Not at all, I just think they're cool :) I have yet to see one car with them.
I came out of the car uninjured and didn't feel much of the impact other than the OH #### part

:eek: :lol: :lol: U have a rollcage, airbag in there or something?

are neon underlights popular in UK william? I have only ever seen 1 car with them here.

I've seen quite a few cars with neon underlights here (attention: they r lucky they don't get caught by police). Just yesterday I saw a Toyota Land Cruiser with blue underlights! Looks cool!
That crash must have sucked, I'm gonna put a rollcage in my new car. Nothing like having a really good X-mas.

...between you and Adrinal......seriously are gonna kill me!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
No car yet, but soon, in the mean while my 3 bikes, one of which is raced spec'd and does 0-60 in less than 3.5 seconds! and it's a 2 stroke :D. the stock RS250 does it in 3.8 secs :crazy:

My latest purchase in summer, stock RS250:


Race spec rs250:



I've had an accident on the newer rs250 a month (80mph crash) ago and steal healing from the bad bad road rash on my leg. just a couple of weeks more then it's skin to get back to the natural colour of my skin. Ride safe !
Nice bike, here's mine :cool:


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My 2002 Nissan Pathfinder 8)


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my car in a couple of weeks. toyota corrolla.

ste :)


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This is my current car Citroen C3
And this is the car I am Driving ATM(Dads)

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