New 90 Litre Bow Front

Fish only school when they feel threatened, it's a defensive measure 'designed' to make it harder for predators to pick out individula fish and chase them down.

Happy, confident fish won't school; for instance, the false neons I have in my bedroom tank tend to only school when my teeenage son slams his door, lol!

Yeh mine don't shoal together they tend to hang out in pairs. The only time mine shoal is when i do water change and add the water they love it when I pore the.water in they all dash into the water flow lol

Mine shoal when I feed them or take the lid off the tank to do a water test, other than that they either hang out in pairs or go off and do their own thing. i really want a group of fish that shoal ALL THE TIME
Fish only school when they feel threatened, it's a defensive measure 'designed' to make it harder for predators to pick out individula fish and chase them down.

Happy, confident fish won't school; for instance, the false neons I have in my bedroom tank tend to only school when my teeenage son slams his door, lol!
There is a difference between 'shoaling' and 'schooling'.

Shoaling is fish of one species forming a loose group in the same area.

Schooling is a group of fish all moving with coordinated movments.

Shoaling fish wll always stay in a shoal, but will not always school.
Thanks for the tips guys, I think might be leaning towards the dwarf gouramis rather than angels now.

Heres a snap shot of Harlequins, managed to get 7 in one pic which is a major accomplishment! They have been in for 48 hours now and have done two water tests, the ph and nitrites were spot on each time...


Awesome shot! Is that mopani wood? Sweet................. :)
Looking good so far Torred, just remember to PLEASE get an ammonia test kit.

I loved the thought of having my neons as they're a "shoaling" fish but they rarely stick together now. But since I found out it's because they're happy, I dont mind so much :)
Has anyone noticed that these are not Harlequin Rasbora's, but are in fact Hengels Rasbora??
Yes, that is mopani wood! I got it for a bargain as well my LFS has a load they wanted rid of and that giant piece was only £10!!!

The rasboras seem to be happy, I think they like to play in the draft of the filter, they swim into it and then let the current carry them, then swim back and do it again, endless fun!
Yes, that is mopani wood! I got it for a bargain as well my LFS has a load they wanted rid of and that giant piece was only £10!!!

The rasboras seem to be happy, I think they like to play in the draft of the filter, they swim into it and then let the current carry them, then swim back and do it again, endless fun!

It's like an aquatic playground for them! My Guppies & the Molly fry like to ride the bubble wall too!
Yes, that is mopani wood! I got it for a bargain as well my LFS has a load they wanted rid of and that giant piece was only £10!!!

The rasboras seem to be happy, I think they like to play in the draft of the filter, they swim into it and then let the current carry them, then swim back and do it again, endless fun!

It's like an aquatic playground for them! My Guppies & the Molly fry like to ride the bubble wall too!

I had no idea fish had "fun" lol.
Yes, that is mopani wood! I got it for a bargain as well my LFS has a load they wanted rid of and that giant piece was only £10!!!

The rasboras seem to be happy, I think they like to play in the draft of the filter, they swim into it and then let the current carry them, then swim back and do it again, endless fun!

It's like an aquatic playground for them! My Guppies & the Molly fry like to ride the bubble wall too!

I had no idea fish had "fun" lol.

Of course they do, my Gouramis idea of "fun" is chasing each other around. Come to think of it, the Von Rio & Lemon Tetras as well as the Cherry Barbs all seem to enjoy chasing each other. It's what they do for fun. Guppies like to swim in circles & fight against the current of the filter outlet & the bubble wall. :lol:
My Betta girls love to swim in the filter current.
I was always told Bettas don't like fast flowing water, but my girls seem to love it.
P.s my local pet shop, can't call it an Lfs has huge pieces of wood for £3.69, I keep meaning to go in & buy it all to resell, but the p&p on it would be silly money
My Betta girls love to swim in the filter current.
I was always told Bettas don't like fast flowing water, but my girls seem to love it.
P.s my local pet shop, can't call it an Lfs has huge pieces of wood for £3.69, I keep meaning to go in & buy it all, but the p&p on it would be silly money

Bettas, just like Gouramis, come from standing water that has little or no current so the theory is to try to keep them in a situation as close to their natural habitat as possible. That doesn't mean they can't try new things................ :hyper:

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