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Nice sanchezi, CFC. :good:

Neverbegone, if money is no option then for a single fish in an aquarium I would go with these 3 fish.

Xingu rhom



The sanchezi and irritans can be kept in a 55g for life. Or like CFC mentioned in a smaller tank. I had a sanchezi in a 29 for quite a while. I just like the bigger tank because they look cool "patroling" their area and with the bigger tank mine would swim more and I could use powerheads that they loved to play in.

The rhom will be ok in a 55 for a couple years then will have to be upgraded but will probably be ok in a 120g for life.

Now here's a catch, I have to actually move, then I have to find a good outlet to buy them from... researching away, :D

Moving inside of NY or to another state?

Shark Aquarium or Aquascape both will have them in almost all of the time. The irritans is more rare but they will sometimes have them.

They are both Online stores and brick and mortar stores in New jersey. They won't ship to you in NY but it's probably not that far of a drive.

If you do go with the S. rhom, and you get a 75g you'll be able to keep it in there for many many years before needing to upgrade. Rhoms grow to about 6" the first year but slow down to approximately 1" a year after that.

I have my rhom in a 55g right now and then when I get my 120g-200g tank next year for my Pygo shoal of caribe, terns and Super Reds, I'll move him into the 75g and probably sell my natts or buy another 75g. Then I'm buying another sanchezi to keep in the 55g.
Nice sanchezi, CFC. :good:

Neverbegone, if money is no option then for a single fish in an aquarium I would go with these 3 fish.

Xingu rhom



The sanchezi and irritans can be kept in a 55g for life. Or like CFC mentioned in a smaller tank. I had a sanchezi in a 29 for quite a while. I just like the bigger tank because they look cool "patroling" their area and with the bigger tank mine would swim more and I could use powerheads that they loved to play in.

The rhom will be ok in a 55 for a couple years then will have to be upgraded but will probably be ok in a 120g for life.

Now here's a catch, I have to actually move, then I have to find a good outlet to buy them from... researching away, :D

Moving inside of NY or to another state?

Shark Aquarium or Aquascape both will have them in almost all of the time. The irritans is more rare but they will sometimes have them.

They are both Online stores and brick and mortar stores in New jersey. They won't ship to you in NY but it's probably not that far of a drive.

If you do go with the S. rhom, and you get a 75g you'll be able to keep it in there for many many years before needing to upgrade. Rhoms grow to about 6" the first year but slow down to approximately 1" a year after that.

I have my rhom in a 55g right now and then when I get my 120g-200g tank next year for my Pygo shoal of caribe, terns and Super Reds, I'll move him into the 75g and probably sell my natts or buy another 75g. Then I'm buying another sanchezi to keep in the 55g.

Umm... I meant moving outside of NY state as they are illegal to own here. But...................... There is no "border patrol" going from state to state and if I drive down there, pick it up, drive back to NY. No one will ever know I have one, but I'll have one. And as long as I don't do anything illegal that will warrant a search of the house (which I'm not that kind f person :lol:), I'll be set, and own one. It just could work... :shifty:
Umm... I meant moving outside of NY state as they are illegal to own here. But...................... There is no "border patrol" going from state to state and if I drive down there, pick it up, drive back to NY. No one will ever know I have one, but I'll have one. And as long as I don't do anything illegal that will warrant a search of the house (which I'm not that kind f person :lol:), I'll be set, and own one. It just could work... :shifty:

Yea, I figured you were moving outside of NY and that's why you were asking.

Not sure about the details on the move but if you're planning on moving soon to a piranha-legal state those 2 websites I gave above will ship it to your door. :)

Besides, you wouldn't want to be like the other thousands and thousands of other piranha keepers in NY and break the law. ;)
Nice sanchezi, CFC. :good:

Neverbegone, if money is no option then for a single fish in an aquarium I would go with these 3 fish.

Xingu rhom



The sanchezi and irritans can be kept in a 55g for life. Or like CFC mentioned in a smaller tank. I had a sanchezi in a 29 for quite a while. I just like the bigger tank because they look cool "patroling" their area and with the bigger tank mine would swim more and I could use powerheads that they loved to play in.

The rhom will be ok in a 55 for a couple years then will have to be upgraded but will probably be ok in a 120g for life.

Now here's a catch, I have to actually move, then I have to find a good outlet to buy them from... researching away, :D

Moving inside of NY or to another state?

Shark Aquarium or Aquascape both will have them in almost all of the time. The irritans is more rare but they will sometimes have them.

They are both Online stores and brick and mortar stores in New jersey. They won't ship to you in NY but it's probably not that far of a drive.

If you do go with the S. rhom, and you get a 75g you'll be able to keep it in there for many many years before needing to upgrade. Rhoms grow to about 6" the first year but slow down to approximately 1" a year after that.

I have my rhom in a 55g right now and then when I get my 120g-200g tank next year for my Pygo shoal of caribe, terns and Super Reds, I'll move him into the 75g and probably sell my natts or buy another 75g. Then I'm buying another sanchezi to keep in the 55g.

Umm... I meant moving outside of NY state as they are illegal to own here. But...................... There is no "border patrol" going from state to state and if I drive down there, pick it up, drive back to NY. No one will ever know I have one, but I'll have one. And as long as I don't do anything illegal that will warrant a search of the house (which I'm not that kind f person :lol:), I'll be set, and own one. It just could work... :shifty:

He's already talking about going across state lines to acquire one then takeing it back home where its illeagal to own. All its going to take is an ex girlfriend or a mad friend to turn you in and give those fish more bad press. Stupid things like this do more harm than good.
He's already talking about going across state lines to acquire one then takeing it back home where its illeagal to own. All its going to take is an ex girlfriend or a mad friend to turn you in and give those fish more bad press. Stupid things like this do more harm than good.

He's joking. I already talked to him in PM's about it.
He's already talking about going across state lines to acquire one then takeing it back home where its illeagal to own. All its going to take is an ex girlfriend or a mad friend to turn you in and give those fish more bad press. Stupid things like this do more harm than good.

He's joking. I already talked to him in PM's about it.

Yea I was just joking. Besides, I don't have any real friends outside of people I meet online and My exes are good friends with me and they aren't that type of people. I am careful with who I associate myself with for the reason of rumors or lies or blackmail occurring. I've never done anything illegal, why would I start now? I'd rather stay on the other side of the bars thank you very much.

As for the Rhom, what would you recommend being the final size for a single specimen. I'm talking say I run into financial problems and can't get an "ideal" ize by the time they're full grown? What I mean is that the one CFC has can be in a 20 gallon, ideally a 55 would be best. Like a situation like that. Also, then what is the "ideal" size you would recommend? Thanks for all the help Gatorbait :D
As for the Rhom, what would you recommend being the final size for a single specimen. I'm talking say I run into financial problems and can't get an "ideal" ize by the time they're full grown? What I mean is that the one CFC has can be in a 20 gallon, ideally a 55 would be best. Like a situation like that. Also, then what is the "ideal" size you would recommend? Thanks for all the help Gatorbait :D

CFC has a sanchezi in a 20g, not a rhom. Personally, I think a 20g is too small for life but that's on a personal level. Many people have kept them in a 29 for life before also and I had one in a 29g also for a while. I'm not saying I'm right and CFC is wrong it's just what we both prefer is all. He doesn't like a lot of extra room for a single fish and I do. That's about the only difference and like I said it's up to you. When I put my sanchezi in a 55g he seemed more outgoing and would swim around more. That's just THIS personal fish and others might be more active and predatory in a smaller tank.

As far as the rhom you asked about, if you could get a 75g now you'd be set for many many years if not for life. It just depends.

They are, like most Serrasalmus, incredibly slow growers. He'll grow from 1.5" to 5"-7" the first year. Every year after that he'll grow 1"- 1 1/2". This is in general btw but happens in most cases.

I've also heard of a 30 year old rhom that never grew past 11". The keeper is a piranha expert so I know it was well taken care of and not stunted.

it seems you've decided on the S. rhom so I'll give you a few basic details about them. When you get one (or a different species etc) I'll give more detailed info)

There are a couple different types from different rivers like in Guyana, Peru, Brazil. They are all the same exact rhom tho. Their coloration is just different.

They have never been bred in a home aquarium so the fish you have will be wild-caught from South America. The smaller S. rhombeus you get the more skittish it may be at first. It sometimes takes a few weeks to months for them to become trusting. If possible, I would get 4" or larger but I didn't want to spend the money so when I bought mine a couple months ago he was 1.5".

They live in the deepest parts of the river and it's dark and they love the current. They can be trained to like light and some have but it takes time. The smaller ones are in the shallower waters. The part of the rivers they're from are not like redbelly's, it's a fast and strong current so a powerhead would be nice.

I know you'll want to try but let me tell you now that in almost every case the rhom will kill anything and everything you try to add with it. If you add another rhom or elongatus one of them is going to kill the other, it's just the way it is. It's not like cichlids where sometimes it will work and others it won't. This just won't work so save your money.

As far as aggresion goes, this is only my 2nd rhom so I can tell you about my first one and what I've heard of others. Piranhas, like most fish, are a mixture. Some you'll get that just want to chill and don't get worked up about much unless you feed him. others are retiring and shy but when it comes to the Serrasalmus I've fiound that they are more on the aggressive side much more than Pygo's. The last rhom I had I couldn't put my hand in the tank unless he was well fed and even then I had to take precautions. I've heard from others that have had the same thing and some that didn't have a problem at all. Mine would slam the glass and try to attack my dog through it and doing wc's I had to have a divider. It sounds bad but you'll learn quickly about your particular fish. You'll know when it's safe and when it's not just by the way your fish leans or reacts to something you do and when you walk up.

When you get him and especially if he's small, you'll notice that when he's scared he will "play dead." He may not be on the bottom but he'll be floating in the water column maybe up top and he'll lay on his side and float like that. They all do so don't be alarmed that he's dieing on you. Most beginners freak out when they see this and it's perfectly normal and a defense mechanism for them.

Feeding- You will most likely have to feed live fish for a while when you first get a rhom. So plan doing it now and before you get your rhom buy some feeders and quarantine them. Use PraziPro on the feeders for a couple of weeks, that's 2 doses. Then when you get your rhom do that for him also. Wild caught fish seem to always have tapeworms or roundworms from what I hear. This one I have now didn't but others have and many people have Serras that do.

Try to ween him off feeders and onto raw shrimp, tilapia, bloodworms and brine shrimp (if very small only), octopus, squid, catfish fillets/nuggets, earthworms or just about any white fish meats. Stay away from red meats and fatty foods. I struggled to get my 1st one weened off of feeders and even had to go with starving him for 5 weeks in an unsuccessful attempt. Just keep working on it. In the wild they go 2-3 months without eating during the dry season so don't worry.

A word of caution tho... I know that I try to get rid of the myths and stereotypes of piranhas and sometimes lean too far of the way of they aren't that mean etc but a very hungry/starving piranha will be that mean, don't trust them or play with them etc when they are starving and you're trying to ween them.

If you have any more questions please feel free to ask as I can go into way more detail if you need but didn't want to bore anyone with more in-depth information.
lol, anyone else answer wrong??? :blink: I guess I got my answer backwards because the poll reads...

Your Opinion, Feeding large live foods to a group of pirahnas. Click No if you think

Feed a mouse to a group of pirahnas?
Think its really wrong?
-No thats screwed up.

I answered yes for "Think its really wrong?" instead of no (like I should) for "Feed a mouse to a group of pirahnas?"
Never got to the end of the vid when watched it years ago could only take 30 seconds, did the mouse survive.
As for the Rhom, what would you recommend being the final size for a single specimen. I'm talking say I run into financial problems and can't get an "ideal" ize by the time they're full grown? What I mean is that the one CFC has can be in a 20 gallon, ideally a 55 would be best. Like a situation like that. Also, then what is the "ideal" size you would recommend? Thanks for all the help Gatorbait :D seems you've decided on the S. rhom so I'll give you a few basic details about them. When you get one (or a different species etc) I'll give more detailed info)...

If you have any more questions please feel free to ask as I can go into way more detail if you need but didn't want to bore anyone with more in-depth information.

I just realized I never thanked you for the info you provided. Could you provide me with everything you could? I won't get bored ;). We could move this to PM too if you want, this way no-one gets bored :lol:
I don't watch animal planet anymore after Steve Irwin's death (he was my idol :( )
i dont either, i can't even watch the show, it makes me cry. :-(

but as for the topic (no i didn't read the entire thing), i think that's terrible, i couldn't do that. but to see the other person's side of view "live food is what they eat in the wild" but back on this side "yes, but the food has a chance of escaping".

that was just plain cruel. :sick:
i see np problem in it. i hunt. for me to eat something has to die. thats how life works. if that fish was in the amazon would it take the dead mouse over a live 1 ? i doubt it ... just my 2 cents
As for the Rhom, what would you recommend being the final size for a single specimen. I'm talking say I run into financial problems and can't get an "ideal" ize by the time they're full grown? What I mean is that the one CFC has can be in a 20 gallon, ideally a 55 would be best. Like a situation like that. Also, then what is the "ideal" size you would recommend? Thanks for all the help Gatorbait :D seems you've decided on the S. rhom so I'll give you a few basic details about them. When you get one (or a different species etc) I'll give more detailed info)...

If you have any more questions please feel free to ask as I can go into way more detail if you need but didn't want to bore anyone with more in-depth information.

I just realized I never thanked you for the info you provided. Could you provide me with everything you could? I won't get bored ;). We could move this to PM too if you want, this way no-one gets bored :lol:

That's ok and you're very welcome. :good:

If you have any questions at all feel free to start a thread in the characins forum or you can PM me whichever you like. I won't have much time tonight with the Stanley Cup Playoffs on but I will try and answer your questions as soon as I get a chance to. There's a couple others here that know quite a bit that can help out also.

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