You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...

You brag to your gearhead buddies at work that you put headers on your brine shrimp hatchery. :)

No lie, I put a larger bore hose into my hatchery jar. 5/16 i.d. hose sounds like a Chevy 350 with a hot cam & headers. :lol:
not only do you know everyone in the pet store by their first middle and last name but you also know the delivery truck driver's whole family...

... and have threatened lives over dieseased fish being sold in the store.
.... if you have a cut on your finger and wonder if it would hurt your fish and not think about your finger.

.... when your lfs lets you feed their grouper.

You know you're an african cichlid keeper when everytime you see a pile of rocks you think, " Hey, that would look good in my tank. Wonder if I can knick them w/o anyone noticing."

You have more fish food in your freezer than people food.
These are too funny...and I can relate to some...hubby now spots rocks on the side of the road because of his mbuna tank

I have gone over 300 miles (but round trip) for fish

I frequently go an hour away for fish or live foods

Several store workers at local storeSSS, know me by name, and keep me up to date on future jobs they are applying for!

But my biggest "I know I am a fish keeper" when my 10 yr old daughter informs me that "your fish, especially Missy (my dwarfpuffer) are sooooooo spoiled MOM!" (lucky for her my kids still usually get to eat better)

Keep em coming
When your main tank takes pride of place over your tv set :good:

When you start thinking of what to do with next tank when your only half way through filling up this one!

When you spend more time researching fish than researching your assignment :S

When your thinking of moving so you can convince "the boss" to let you have a bigger tank.

This is almost like a confesional :lol:
You know a fishkeeper when...

You are in the fish shop almost every weekend

You replace your TV for a fish tank

You spill all the dirty water on the carpet and say "Oh well it was for the fish"

You tell your boss that you can't go to work cause your fish are dying

Sam :D
you visit the LFS's almost daily

you sacrifice having a table to eat off for having another tank

you cancel seeing your friends cos your fish are poorly

you find yourself crying uncontrollably when any fish dies

you spend more money on fish stuff than on food

any rocks etc you automatically think of as potential tank decor

anything glass that could hold water you think of as a potential fish tank

you have a bad back and won't do housework in case you knacker it, but clambering around on a stepladder and lifting buckets full of water to clean your tanks is fine

You know you're a fish-keeper when:

-Angels are nothing to do with heaven
-The idea of such a thing as a "bloodworm" doesn't fill you with fear and dread
-A cycle doesn't have to have a chain and two wheels
-Tanks are peaceful objects, not instruments of war
-You see a gravel vac and don't snigger to yourself
-You know what 100 gallons of water actually looks like
-Tannin is not something you do at the salon
-You imagine your fishtank filling up whenever you put fuel in the car
You know you're a fish-keeper when:

-Angels are nothing to do with heaven
-The idea of such a thing as a "bloodworm" doesn't fill you with fear and dread
-A cycle doesn't have to have a chain and two wheels
-Tanks are peaceful objects, not instruments of war
-You see a gravel vac and don't snigger to yourself
-You know what 100 gallons of water actually looks like
-Tannin is not something you do at the salon
-You imagine your fishtank filling up whenever you put fuel in the car

:lol: :lol: i like them!!! especially the gravle vac.... although that's not true, I still snigger :lol:
....You can't sleep at night because the number of filters going in your bedroom sound like an airport.
....everything that can hold water suddenly looks like it would be a great fishtank. spend thousands of dollars to have "boxes full of water in your house"
....You have more than two fish tanks that are a "work in progress"
....You consider homing your aggressive cichlids with your passive goo obo gudgeons to make room for fish.
....You've bought fish from a breeding warehouse are talked about at family functions as if you need mental help
....You've heard the phrase, "you spent that much on a FISH?!?!"

And finally the last, which I am incredibly guilty of.
...You had to tear up your carpets due to a 60 us gallon flood and all you cared about was finding a place to put your bichir while he recovered. :nod: ...then later bought another sixty gallon.

Oh! and you're on tff at 3:30 am, which I am by the way. Right now. :no:
when actually imagining how would be like being a fish

you buy tanks just for the sake of it cos they were cheap and "you will have room in the future to put them up"

Im really bad for the lsat one, now have a 4ft tank, a 3ft tank a 2ft tank and a 18" sitting empty cos ive nowhere to put them...

yep i have three tanks which arnt setup cause i have no room for them and to be honest i have no room to store them either but they were really cheap so i
had to buy them
when every day starts with a finned head count!

when your 169L tank ruptures and water is cascading onto your 1st floor flat floor & all you think about is saving the fish.....too bad about your downstairs neighbours ceiling!!!!!!!

when your small garden out the front of your building is known by everyone as the 'fish cemetary'.........
When you scream at your husband/wife to STOP THE CAR! (nearly causing an accident) when you see a fish shop in a new town you're passing through. :lol:
When you want to put your head upside down in your fish tank just to see what view your fishies get!! :hyper:
Ah we had this on the uk betta forum, love the suggestions!

....You have no time for a job as you should be concentrating on uni but you still go for a job in a fish shop you love one hours drive away to get discount...

...Then cry lots cos they employed someone else over you...

...You go back to said shop 8 times in three weeks...

...Ask about an ornate birchir with no fins every time you visit, until they give it to you...

...You move twice a year living in student accomadation yet still have 4 fish tanks set up and 4 in storage...

...You see more time with the fish than your friends...

...Having a fish die is more upsetting than a natural disaster and TONS of people dying (oh crap I have no soul)...

...You spend your day off on forums when your acedemic year finishes friday and have muchos work to do...

...You get all your friends into fish so your not the only one!...

...And your boyfriend...

...And your sister...

...And your workmates...

...You then remember you have another 100L tank stored at a friends house as you dont have enough room in your house...

Owwww, maybe I need a reality check! I have a 3hr maths exam tomorrow. I better get myself to the maths cafe... :-(

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