You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
You know your a fish keeper when...

You've tasted the differance between two brands of fish food out of curiosity.

You've accidentally poisoned yourself with an ammonia test kit.

You've ingested atleast a gallon of tank water while doing water changes.

I wanna see how many of these our forum can come up with, 100 would be awsome :D
I Know I Am A Fish Keeper When Moma Fish Dies And I Care For Her Baby :wub: She Was Soo Cute When She Was Little I fed her by tweasers LOl And I know I am a fishkeeper When I congatulat my moma and daddy betta for having fry LOL :lol:
You know your a fish keeper if you go through dozens of fish before you get one to live over a year.

You know your a fish keeper when you ask your (Mom, Dad, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Husband, Wife, Sibling) to grab some fish food when they go to the store.

You know your a fish keeper if you try to raise fish, at least once, in a tank too small for them.

You know your a fish keeper if you buy 3 or more books on fish keeping.

You know your a fish keeper if, of course, you join TFF :D

This is pretty fun, feels like I can keep going and going and... :lol:
If your house has more water then air in it

When people are talking about betas (one "t") you think that they are talking about fish and try to correct their pronunciation

When you start testing your tap water to make sure it is safe for YOU to drink

When you take a bath you treat the water first, then make sure that it is cycled, then you bring your lucky rubber fishy

You think there are not enough airstones in the living room for a well aerated atmosphere

[I of course, do not do any of this :p ]
when you don't worry bout water being on your wooden floor

you spend more on fish tanks/food/filters/heaters ect than on ya kids :blush:

you really do concidor (sp) giving up smoking so you can get more fish stuff

you buy a new suite so you can fit another fish tank in ( yes i did do this )
lol nice idea guppy dude

u know your a fish keeper when ... your first fish died and you do cpr on him so see if he comes back

.... sorry cant think of any other good ones ... lol

im not a real fish keeper though.....

im a fake fish keeper ...
Not yet...

I did all the ones on my list

sorry...I was reffering to that I don't have fish yet, but I should be able to get some this weekend at the rate my tank is cycling. anyway, I still do have some more "Your a serious fishkeeper if..."'s, I just have to think of them...
when you add your toy submarine and annoy your tiger barbs :lol: :lol: :lol: haha give it back to them and see how they like it :lol: :lol: :lol:

when you spend more time look at your fish tank then look at your girlfriend or wife of boyfrienf or husband (which ever one) :lol: :lol: :lol:

when tv become boring and all you want to do is watch your fish

when actually imagining how would be like being a fish

yeah this does start make you lose control and make you wants to go on for ever, so you'll make hundred no probs may be 2 hopefully
You know your a fish keeper when your fish eat better than you
You know your a fish keeper when you think of the going ons in your tank as a soap opera.
You know your a fish keeper when the only think you can think of is the next tank and where your going to put it.
when actually imagining how would be like being a fish

hehe did this one just today. again.

You know you are a fish keeper when:

you drive 340 miles to get just one fish cos no nearer stores had them and you feel its cruel to post.

you are cautioned at work for using the internet (to find fishy things)

you buy tanks just for the sake of it cos they were cheap and "you will have room in the future to put them up"

Im really bad for the lsat one, now have a 4ft tank, a 3ft tank a 2ft tank and a 18" sitting empty cos ive nowhere to put them...

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