Who speaks more than one language?

Nevermind... Iay amay cctuallyaay eaningl asay eway eakspay anday amay oingday ellway, Iay inkthay.
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The question is could you have a whole conversation with another person in pig Latin without hesitation (in person) 🤪
The question is could you have a whole conversation with another person in pig Latin without hesitation (in person) 🤪
You can pronounce that stuff!?!?
Now I need videos cause I don't believe that...
Now that I just found out you can actually pronounce Pig Latin, I think when I go to WA and if I ever see @JuiceBox52 my first words to her will be "ellohay iusianagay"...

I'll probably butcher it but hey... It's worth trying 😂
Boar Latin is much more sophisticated. I am fluent...

Hello a (snort) , forum tae (snort).

(You must have watched race to the edge how to train you dragon to get this).
Been a while since I've seen race to the edge but I vaguely remember I think 😂
That's awesome! I get to pick a class for PSO and I really want to do ASL.
I been a sign language interpreter for over 30 yrs. If u really want to learn ASL get involved with the Deaf community.
Also know a smattering of French and Spanish..along with many of the Caribbean dialects..
Want to learn Chinese.. but very hard with no one to pratice with.
When I was a boy in private school they made us studt Latin. I could get by in Latin but was far from fluent. In later years I had to study french which was for me a no go. I was aqful at French. Then I took Spanish. I spent the summer between high scholl and entering college in Bogota Colombia in a Program offered by the University if the Andes for English speaker to doe better in Spanish. By the time I left the country I was close to fluent.

And then came college and they decided I should be in a Spanish Literature Course. The first book was the original El Cid. That is like having an immigrant to America who is able to get by in English study Shakespeare. I ended up dropping the course and my fluency in Spanish began a long decline due to lack of use. Now I can do some basic sentences and words. Yo hablo Español un poquito.

My experience having Latin forced down my throat as a boy makes me dislike scientific names for fish even though I realize the need for using them in most cases......
What I don't get is y education institution make ppl study a dead language.. yes I get cuz of the scientific names..
Isn't about time they give up on this language and find another way for scientific names.. I'm really..
You can not learn a language if u cannot use it.

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