Which Liquid Fertilizer Is Best?


New Member
May 25, 2013
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In my local pet shop there are only two choices of liquid plant fertilizers:
1. King British - Aquatic Plant Food
2. Nurafin - Plant Gro
Which fertilizer would you recommend to promote healthy plants?
pH 6.8 - 7.2
ammonia 0
nitrites 50
nitrates 0
gH 125

kH 180
20 Gallon Long
Aqua Glo - T8 18000K Bulb
theres more than just them 2 out on the market, id personally recomend EI starter kit and dry salts its cheaper to mix your own in the long run and you have more control 
Agree with Mike, but if you prefer to buy ready made ferts there are lots of options available. 
To name a couple; Seachem Flourish, Tropica Plant Growth Premium Fertilizer
If you want to go a little further you could add Liquid Carbon to help your plants process the nutrients more efficiently, if you went down this route and your tank is not heavily stocked with fish I would recommend going with Tropica Plant Growth Specialised Fertilizer which also contains N (Nitrogen) and P (Phosphorus) 
Either way your plants will benefit, also try and dose your ferts daily rather than weekly just split the weekly dosage into 7 daily doses. 
mike455555 said:
theres more than just them 2 out on the market, id personally recomend EI starter kit and dry salts its cheaper to mix your own in the long run and you have more control 
Livewire88 said:
Agree with Mike, but if you prefer to buy ready made ferts there are lots of options available. 
To name a couple; Seachem Flourish, Tropica Plant Growth Premium Fertilizer
If you want to go a little further you could add Liquid Carbon to help your plants process the nutrients more efficiently, if you went down this route and your tank is not heavily stocked with fish I would recommend going with Tropica Plant Growth Specialised Fertilizer which also contains N (Nitrogen) and P (Phosphorus) 
Either way your plants will benefit, also try and dose your ferts daily rather than weekly just split the weekly dosage into 7 daily doses. 
Thanks Mike, but to be honest mixing fertilizers wouldn't be a good idea for me as having to much or too little in the miix will then become another problem on its own.
I'll probably try Tropica Plant Growth as that seems the easiest option

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