Any Recommendation on Liquid Fertilizer?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2021
Reaction score
Jakarta, Indonesia

My tanks are all heavily planted and at the moment under my care i have 4 tanks.

I use these liquid fertilizer for all my tanks;
- A local brand all in one liquid fertilizer which i use everyday
- A local brand liquid fertilizer that specialize in brightening the color of the plants which i also use daily
- ADA Mineral
- ADA Iron
- Tropica Specialized Nutrition this along with the ADA ferts i use them once a week after water change

Every two weeks i usually put root tabs for my stem plants, i use Tetra Initial Stick

Anyone can give any recommendation on other fertilizers?
Because the ADA ones are pretty expensive here and i'm looking for something all-in-one for the Iron, Mineral and K.

Thank you.
Sera Florena (liquid aquarium plant fertiliser).
Use an Iron (Fe) test kit to monitor iron levels in the aquarium water, and keep the levels around 1ppm (1mg/L).
What brands do you have at your place?
I'm afraid that the brands that you have are different from ours.

If you want easy, all in one liquid fertilizer, get Macro and Micro nutrients.
Macro nutrients are the main nutrients needed for healthy growth and are required in larger amounts than other nutrients.
Second is the Micro nutrients, which are needed in smaller amounts.

Here are some explanations of Macro and Micro nutrients.

Root tabs are more for rooted plants rather than stem plants.
Sera Florena (liquid aquarium plant fertiliser).
Use an Iron (Fe) test kit to monitor iron levels in the aquarium water, and keep the levels around 1ppm (1mg/L).

I see a lot Sera Product around but i never really tried it, looking at the ingredients it is pretty complete and the price is way more cheaper than all the fertilizer i use combine, sure i'll give it a try :)

I will also buy Iron test kit.

Thank you.
Flipping heck, Photo of your tank please. I have never used ferts. just fish poo.

i was not using ferts, too but then one of my tank (the one with the red plants) have many plants dying, so i start using ferts.

here are the pictures :)


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What brands do you have at your place?
I'm afraid that the brands that you have are different from ours.

If you want easy, all in one liquid fertilizer, get Macro and Micro nutrients.
Macro nutrients are the main nutrients needed for healthy growth and are required in larger amounts than other nutrients.
Second is the Micro nutrients, which are needed in smaller amounts.

Here are some explanations of Macro and Micro nutrients.

Root tabs are more for rooted plants rather than stem plants.

i see Tetra, Sera, Prodac, ADA, Tropica, Aquario and Aquaforest brands available here in Indonesia.

but i find the root tabs really help growing new roots for the stem plants when i just plant them or propagating some of my plants.

but yes, my amazon sword and vallisneria really loving the root tabs.

i guess the Tropica ferts i use pretty much cover the macro and micro nutrition for the plants, but for the iron i need to use something else, i need the iron especially for the red plants.
Did you do any research to find out your plants requirements?
Red plants need brighter light than green plants.
What is your lighting wattage?
For planted tank, usually it requires at least 20W or more to do well.

As for me, I only have plants that can survive in low light such as Java Moss and Anacharis Elodea.
I try not to spend too much on electricity.

By the way, some plants may need CO2 to do well.
Probably you can do some research to find out the plants requirements.
Did you do any research to find out your plants requirements?
Red plants need brighter light than green plants.
What is your lighting wattage?
For planted tank, usually it requires at least 20W or more to do well.

As for me, I only have plants that can survive in low light such as Java Moss and Anacharis Elodea.
I try not to spend too much on electricity.

By the way, some plants may need CO2 to do well.
Probably you can do some research to find out the plants requirements.

i did do some research and what i gather is most of my plants are lacking in things that will bring out their colors, what my LFS told me i should be using additional ferts with iron, mineral and K because my all in one liquid fertilizer don’t have iron.

that’s why i’m using all the ferts i’m using right now.

the lowest wattage of my light is 10watt for my bigger thank with the blackghost knife and some low light plants java fern, moss and anubias. It’s a 57gal tank (i know it is too small, i’m ordering a 100gal and waiting for it to arrive)

the other tanks with more plants use 21watt lights and turned them on 8hours a day with a timer.

my 33gal even have 40watt for the red plants and yes it does cost a lot of electricity but i really want the plants to thrive lol.

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