Which Fish Can I Keep With Ornate Bichir


Oct 8, 2009
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Hey fish people. Just curious

I have all these fish in my 75 gallon and will be moving to my 180 gallon in a few days. Which fish will be safe when all full grown from an Ornate Bichir?

2 Oscars, Blood parrot, 4 Jewel cichlids, Convict cichlid, Deep water hap, Albino Senegal bichir, rainbow shark & Asian Upsidedown catfish ( Mystus Leucophasis)

I can probably leave the ones that won't be safe in the 75gallon... Thanks in advance.
All those fish should do fine with a fully grown ornatipinnis.  :)
Thanks Sawickib fellow polypterus keeper :) I trust your fish are doing well.
I'd agree all will be fine. Bichirs are pretty lazy I think if well fed. When they are not they will hunt
Sawicki and Simonas approves. This is good. Thanks!

Heres a short video of my tank right now. Thanx for response
Loving the tank, looks really nice and clean!
Although i have one thing to add, and your welcome to do what youd like with the info, but everything in your tank is terrified of your catfish, it looks like he harasses your other fish pretty regularly to see such drastic behavior of the fish fleeing whenever he comes near by. Your fish might swim more freely if he was given the 75 gallon all to himself, but the 75 gallon may be a bit small for such a fish that is large and likes to swim around so much. Buy yea everyone looks healthy, that decision up to you, just wanted to let you know. :)
Thanks a lot for your concern but this was only in the beginning. They're used to him now. The only one he still harass a little is the Oscar but even my Oscar doesn't flee from him anymore. More of irritated at times.

The catfish is territorial tho. He doesn't want anyone entering his cave. When I saw the catfish at my LFS he was with two 12" Oscar and he just follows the Oscars around and the Oscars just ignore him. The main aggression in my tank is with my Rainbow shark & young Jewel. My rainbow shark always bully the cichlids when they're young until the cichlids get bigger then he stops.

They're all moving to 180 gallon as soon as my LFS delivers the tank
Tanks looking great!! How long until they are in their new home? 
Thanks Didz still a work in progress but heres a short feeding video
Nice! They look happy in their new home :) 
Yup there's more territory to claim and they don't have to see each other as often. I added my younger Albino Oscar to the tank but the Red Oscar was picking on him bad. So I put him back in the 75 for now til he gets bigger.

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