Where am I in the fish in cycle?


Fish Aficionado
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
I supose I'm nearly the end of the cycle, but I'm not quite sure yet.

I have tested my water yesterday just before the water change:

Ammonia was (and is) 0ppm
Nitrite was 0,4ppm
Nitrates were between 5-10ppm

Then tested my water again (after the water change):

Ammonia- 0ppm
Nitrite- 0,2ppm
Nitrates- Haven't tested
Curious question, what test kit did you use?
Just wondering how you got 0.4ppm for Nitrates
It's nitrite that was 0.4, not nitrate. Some testers might have a 0.4 colour for nitrite.
It's nitrite that was 0.4, not nitrate. Some testers might have a 0.4 colour for nitrite.

Yes. sorry was meaning to type Nitrite.
API Kit is good but some colours on the chart are very close. i.e. for Ammonia 0 and 0.25ppm, Nitrate 40 and 50ppm and Nitrite 0.50 and 1ppm.
Just wondering if there are any other options out there.
The best testers are reputed to be Salifert. They make mainly testers for marine tanks but I think ammonia etc can be used in freshwater.

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