Cycling tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2024
Reaction score
Menasha, Wisconsin
Hi, I'm fishless cycling a future quarantine tank.
Just tested the water after 2 week n parameters.

Ph ............... 7.6
HR PH .........8.0
Nitrate ..........0

How much longer do I need you wait until I can start using it to quarantine fish ?
When you can go from 2ppm Ammonia to 0ppm Ammonia and 0ppm Nitrite within 24 hours, you is ready. Some people say 3ppm Ammonia, but that's not necessary.
When you can go from 2ppm Ammonia to 0ppm Ammonia and 0ppm Nitrite within 24 hours, you is ready. Some people say 3ppm Ammonia, but that's not necessary.
The high range ph at 8.0 is ok ?
And normal PH at 7.6 is also ok ?
The high range ph at 8.0 is ok ?
And normal PH at 7.6 is also ok ?
There is a long list of fish that can do very well at PH 7.6. 8.0 is getting up there but the hardness numbers play a part.
The high range ph at 8.0 is ok ?
And normal PH at 7.6 is also ok ?
For cycling your tank? Yes, it’s OK.

Should I lower the High Range PH ?
Lower the high range pH for what purpose, to keep fish after the tank is cycled? We need some context, without it we can’t provide a sensible response.

The water in your tank has one pH, it doesn’t have a high range pH as well as a normal range pH.
If the water pH is higher than 7.6 then you test it using the high range.
I the water pH is lower than 7.6 then you use the normal pH test.

How do you know which test to do at the start when you don’t know if pH is above or below 7.6?
You test it using either one. If you do the normal range test and the result is 7.6 then you test again using the high range. If the high range result is 8, you ignore the normal range result and accept the high range.
For cycling your tank? Yes, it’s OK.

Lower the high range pH for what purpose, to keep fish after the tank is cycled? We need some context, without it we can’t provide a sensible response.

The water in your tank has one pH, it doesn’t have a high range pH as well as a normal range pH.
If the water pH is higher than 7.6 then you test it using the high range.
I the water pH is lower than 7.6 then you use the normal pH test.

How do you know which test to do at the start when you don’t know if pH is above or below 7.6?
You test it using either one. If you do the normal range test and the result is 7.6 then you test again using the high range. If the high range result is 8, you ignore the normal range result and accept the high range.
Ok nobody told me that bfore n the test kit book doesn't explain that either. Thabk you so much for sharer knowledge bout it.
Now it makes sense why there is only 4 tunes for testing instead of 5.

Thanks again
How much longer do I need you wait until I can start using it to quarantine fish ?
We need more information to know where you are in the cycle.

Have you added ammonia to the tank, and how much in terms of the ppm?
We need more information to know where you are in the cycle.

Have you added ammonia to the tank, and how much in terms of the ppm?
The thank ( 10G ) is been cycling for 2 full weeks. Now I got 2 fishes in there too to help with their poop.
I didn't add any ammonia.
Sorry for this stupid question but what is PPM ?
In the original post you said you are fishless cycling. So zero fish, or two fish are in this tank? And PPM is parts per million. In any case you need readings of zero for ammonia. Have you seen a reading of non zero for nitrite yet?
In the original post you said you are fishless cycling. So zero fish, or two fish are in this tank? And PPM is parts per million. In any case you need readings of zero for ammonia. Have you seen a trading of non zero for nitrite yet?
I just added 2 fish I got yesterday for free they ended up being minows
Ppm is the unit our test kits are measured in, like gallons for volume and inches for length. So your 0.25 ammonia is 0.25 ppm ammonia to give it in full.

Did you ever add ammonia to this tank? If you didn't, it is not cycled so you are doing a fish-in cycle. Keep an eye on ammonia and nitrite now there are fish in there. The only safe level for either is zero.
In the original post you said you are fishless cycling. So zero fish, or two fish are in this tank? And PPM is parts per million. In any case you need readings of zero for ammonia. Have you seen a reading of non zero for nitrite yet?
Yes my last test that I did showed 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate n 0.25 ammonia the ph
Ppm is the unit our test kits are measured in, like gallons for volume and inches for length. So your 0.25 ammonia is 0.25 ppm ammonia to give it in full.

Did you ever add ammonia to this tank? If you didn't, it is not cycled so you are doing a fish-in cycle. Keep an eye on ammonia and nitrite now there are fish in there. The only safe level for either is zero.
Thanks brother I was really confused now I got it. I appreciate it
And NO I didn't add ammonia for 2 weeks the tank cycled without fish I added these 2 fishes just yesterday to help out going a little faster.
The only thing I added to the tank when I filled it up with water was water conditioner n starter bactetia
It sounds as though you just left the tank running? That's not cycling, I'm afraid. Things have to be done to a tank to cycle it. Fishless cyling means adding ammonia. Even when using bottled bacteria, they have to be fed.

So you are now doing a fish-in cycle. You can either test every day and do a water change whenever ammonia and/or nitrite read above zero, or follow the instructions here

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