What Preparations?


Coo, Man
Feb 13, 2013
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In about a fortnight I'm going on vacation ( :p ) for a fortnight.
The tank is 100% cycled and has 17 tetras and a bristlensoe Pleco in it.
What preparations should I take?
I'm doing a similar thing to you and I'm leaving tomorrow. :p (I'm going over to Aussie)
Since I'm only going for 9 days and I can't get anyone to feed my fish while I'm away, I am having to starve them. So, what I've been doing is feeding them 3 small meals a day (instead of 1 bigger feeding) for the past two weeks, and today I gave them a mashed pea. Later today I'm going to do a 80-90% waterchange and them I'm going to feed them tomorrow morning before I leave and then I'll feed the as soon as I get home.
I wish I didn't have to starve them but its the only alternative to a feeding block which I've heard pollutes the water quite a lot. (I could have gotten an automatic feeder but as they're close to $80+ I couldn't afford one).
I just hope that all will remain well while I'm away.
That's the right course of action Blondie.  If you have live plants, they can find bits of microfauna to eat while you are away on the plants and even bits of algae (assuming that you have lights on a timer).
TT - two weeks is a bit longer, so if you can find someone you trust to give them a bit of food twice while you are away (maybe even three times) that would probably be best.  
The only other things to do would be:
1 - thorough gravel vac
2 - 50+% water change
3 - rinse of filter media in old tank water
4 - remember that the fish don't eat that regularly in nature. ;) 
Should I be training them to not eat as much?
Before I leave should I lower temperature to slow metabolism?

There's no one near me who I'd trust. They're either gun toting lunatics or 100 miles away lol.
I will do a large water change before departure.
Training the fish to eat less won't help much... Lowering the temp a bit would though, as it would slow their metabolism a bit. Do it gradually and part of the water change.
I don't have any live plants. Now I wish I did though, I've ran out of time but I'll remember it for next time I go away. 
I do however have some sponge in the tank (I recently upgraded my filter but the filter doesn't have enough room to fit the sponge from my old filter) which has some food stuck in it so hopefully they will be smart enough and find it.
I'm about to feed them again and then do the big waterchange and feed them in the morning. :)
Have fun blondie!
eaglesaquarium said:
Have fun blondie!
Course she will, it's Australia we're talking about! :D
Which part/s are you going too?
GC is always fun. I was there over the holidays in Surfer's Paradise. :cool:
Have a lovely holiday, Blondie!
Can't add anything that hasn't already been said, TT! Good luck with the preparations!
TallTree01 said:
Should I be training them to not eat as much?
Before I leave should I lower temperature to slow metabolism?

There's no one near me who I'd trust. They're either gun toting lunatics or 100 miles away lol.
I will do a large water change before departure.
Feed them normally until you leave; they need 'feeding up', but on the other hand, don't be tempted to give a big feed last thing; that can lead to ammonia/nitrite spikes when you're not there to deal with it.
What do I do with light?
Do I leave it on?
Do I leave it off?
Tank has some crypts and a sword.

Only a few days now!

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