What did I do??


Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
Northeastern USA
I brought the last 10 BN Plecos from a huge spawn from a year and a half ago to a family owned fish store. Original spawn was 69 Plecos. I gradually have brought all of them to this fish store. I don't want to breed fish.

In my 5 gallon I had 2 endlers that I got a few months ago with a store credit. When I went to the fish store today, I got another $20 credit so I bought 3 more endlers and a couple of nerite snails. I mistakenly bought 3 females today thinking the ones in my tank were females as well. Well I now believe the 2 endlers previously in my tank are males as they have light blue tails.
If I now have 3 females endlers and 2 male endlers, how quickly are these fish going to breed? I really don't want any more endlers or any other fish for that matter at this time. I have been downsizing my tanks which at the moment consist of a 5 gallon and a 29 gallon tank.
What should I do now?
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Eek! I haven't kept endlers ever, or any liver bearers, in a very long time. But my understanding, from friends w/endlers, they don't eat fry. So, prepare for an overpopulated tank soon.

How convenient to have a family LFS, lol. How much do you love the endlers? How many would the LFS need to devote a tank for them? More than just a few I bet. Are they the same strain or "mutts"?
If they are together, they've probably already bred. Females store sperm and refertilize themselves, over and over, so they're pretty well gravid for life. Gestation time depends on temperatures...

Sorry about your luck there.
I just got some Endlers and I had fry within three days of bringing them home . I can’t count them but I have at least two or three dozen . I still don’t understand this Endlers designation . They look exactly like the ordinary common guppy I had sixty years ago .
But my understanding, from friends w/endlers, they don't eat fry. So, prepare for an overpopulated tank soon.
That might be right . I haven't see mine eat their fry . I have a solution . Eventually they will go to a twenty gallon that has one Angelfish and she will keep the population in check .
When they'll mate? That could be at any time... So, be prepared...! The gestation period for endlers is between 3-4 weeks. And yes, they won't chase nor eat their fry. So basically, your tank will be filled in no time...

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