What Fish Can Hybridize With Guppies?

I've been running an experiment with guppies and Heteranderis formosa Least mosquito fish for over 18 months, there has been no fry produced.
Gambusia affinis or mosquite fish are rumoured to cross, but I've never seen any and I've specialised in livebearers for 20 years.

Endlers and mollies can cross, but molly crosses are very rare and appear to be very weak fry.

In the genus Poecilia which includes endlers and mollies their are another 30 odd species which could all possibly cross. All i can asy is platies, swordtail, halfbeaks, and most other livebeares that appear will not cross.
Endler's will (in fact all Endler's in the trade are hybrids now, according to the experts) and they'll be fertile. There's some talk of guppy/molly hybrids turning up, but I don't think that's ever been proven; they're reputedly infertile.
I am completely confused as when I purchased my fish to stock my 55 gallon indoor pond I purchased 3 silver mollies (1 male and 2 females), 2 male guppies, 2 "Mickey Mouse" platies (1 male and 1 female) and 5 zebra danios.
Within 5 weeks of having the set up I saw fry and tried to save as many as I could (around 20) and put them in a 5 gallon fry tank already set up.
about 4 weeks later I am positive there are 2 guppies (they do not look like danios) and the rest look live silver mollies.
Both guppies in the pond are easily identified as male due to their color and the gonopodium. The 2 fry that look like guppies have extremely similar coloring to 1 of the male guppies but I can't figure out how that happened and the shape is definitely consistent with guppies and look nothing like the molly fry. I started looking more closely at the danios to see if one might be a female guppy but they are definitely danios.
I frequently see both guppies cavorting with the other fish in the tank and I'm curious to know if they possibly could have interbred. I honestly don't think it's likely.
Have I gone bonkers???!!!
BTW, all fry were discovered the same day. That is not to say that they were all born the same day though.
Hybirdising is generally frowned upon...

For instance, all Endler's in the trade are now Endler/guppy hybrids; the true Endler's live in only a few locations in the wild. Luckily, there are some hobbyists who still have pure Endler's, becuase if the wild popultation was wiped out, by drought or pollution say, without them we would have lost the Endler altogether, which would be a tragedy.

There are so many thousands of fish species you could keep; surely there's at least one or two that would suit you, without creating hybrids?

actually, there are basically no more pure endler's anywhere... they are extinct in the wild... there MAY be a few breeders out there with purebreds but more are endler/guppy mixes.
Hybirdising is generally frowned upon...

For instance, all Endler's in the trade are now Endler/guppy hybrids; the true Endler's live in only a few locations in the wild. Luckily, there are some hobbyists who still have pure Endler's, becuase if the wild popultation was wiped out, by drought or pollution say, without them we would have lost the Endler altogether, which would be a tragedy.

There are so many thousands of fish species you could keep; surely there's at least one or two that would suit you, without creating hybrids?

actually, there are basically no more pure endler's anywhere... they are extinct in the wild... there MAY be a few breeders out there with purebreds but more are endler/guppy mixes.
where did you read that?
surely any fish in the same genus would be able to hybridise since the chromosone numbers match.
its beleved there are a number of difrent types of endlers from the wild
endlers will cross with guppy's cos thets all they are just a type of guppy.
Although I'm new to these forums, I have been keeping fish almost my entire life. I have set up a shrimp tank recently and have added some cardinal tetras and endlers for color, along with a rescue mickey mouse platy from a friend's dying tank. Which brings me to my next point... one of the endlers has taken quite a liking to the platy(which I know for a fact is fertile and has had a few batches of fry in her old tank) . Now outside of a koi pond, I'm fairly new to the non aggressive fish breeding thing. Has anyone out there successfully bred a mickey mouse with endlers? I haven't been able to find anything on the web about these two specifically breeding, except that they are closley related, and that there is a good chance that my endlers are hybrids, so there is a possibility that they will breed. I tend to remain optimistic, but if anyone has some experience with these two and can shed some light on this matter for me, it would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I don't know how picky you guys are on this forum, so forgive me if this topic is too old for you.
Although I'm new to these forums, I have been keeping fish almost my entire life. I have set up a shrimp tank recently and have added some cardinal tetras and endlers for color, along with a rescue mickey mouse platy from a friend's dying tank. Which brings me to my next point... one of the endlers has taken quite a liking to the platy(which I know for a fact is fertile and has had a few batches of fry in her old tank) . Now outside of a koi pond, I'm fairly new to the non aggressive fish breeding thing. Has anyone out there successfully bred a mickey mouse with endlers? I haven't been able to find anything on the web about these two specifically breeding, except that they are closley related, and that there is a good chance that my endlers are hybrids, so there is a possibility that they will breed. I tend to remain optimistic, but if anyone has some experience with these two and can shed some light on this matter for me, it would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I don't know how picky you guys are on this forum, so forgive me if this topic is too old for you.
Platies won't cross with Endlers.

Platies will cross with swordtails, and Endlers with guppies (which is what yours will be if they came from a pet shop rather than a specialist breeder).
i thought that all livebearers could breed with one another, i know that endlers will breed with guppies and mollies, and i thought that guppies will breed with just about anything from my experiences. I don't know about platies though, never really dipped my toe into that field.
Occasionally guppy/molly love happens. People call them "Gollies" they most certainly do happen and they are usually sterile-and ugly. With that said I don't see why swordtails and platys or whatever wouldn't be possible as well I've never heard or seen them though
There is a guy who breeds endlers I will try to post a link to his site he has many awesome variations of the Endler fish and has dedicated alot of his time to preserving this species. Fear not for they most certainly do exist still in their unadultered wild forms


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