what does every one keep?

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Semper is quite right. It would take several posts to list what I currently keep.

The real reason I don't list what I keep is simply this;

At any given time, the list changes. Unlike most (or all) of the members here, I don't keep but 3 tanks for myself. The other 130 or so tanks are holding tanks for resale fish.

I will list what I keep in the three tanks for myself though:

90 gallon -
13 adult Heros appendiculatum - AKA tourquoise severum
3 Adult Jack Dempsey (a breeding pair and extra mal
1 8" Synodontis eupturus

90 gallon
Distichodus sexfasciatus

50 gallon
Breeding pair of Jack Dempsey

As I said in an earlier post elsewhere, my first love is C/S Americans and I do plan on having 1 or 2 of my 120 gallon tanks dedicated for these species.

If anyone is interested in what I currently keep, you can see the list (slightly out of date :( ) at my web site. Here
any one who goes to cichlidmaster's list has to keep in mind that it is short 4 wild front's and 3 moori. heehee!

if anything you have got to post pics of kirby! he is just so darn loveable! i just adore that big guy!

just have to put in my two cents worth, but pics could not do justice to your assortment of fish. to get the full cichlidmaster experience you would have to go there for several hours and see the thought and attention he puts into each of his fish. i do have to admit


that he is the type of fishkeeper that i some day hope to pass on to future fishkeepers. he is into it only for the love of the fish.

president of the cichlidmaster for president fan club
easy sf....

....this is verging on infatuation.lol :lol:

You'll be stalking him next :lol:

just because my fishroom is wallpapered with pics of cichlidmaster taken with a telephoto lens does not mean anything! :rolleyes:


Just hope ya got my best side Maggs....

Oh wait...they are all my best sides :D :D :D :D :D :D
On Cichlids I've got Discus, Blue and bolivian Rams, Firemouths.
On other fish two big plecs, Various Tetras including a shoal of 20 Cardinals in the Discus tank, Opaline gouramies, Platties, Swordtails and various cory's. With 12 Of my fav cory Sterbia. Thats enough for now unless i'm dragged in to Riverside aquaria. hehe. :D
scary avatar cichlidmaster, is that your best side lol :lol:
there was me thinking the lights were out lol got posted in wrong post oppps!
Where do I start? Cichlids - 1 pair Paratilapia pollini 'Big Spot', 1 pair Apisto. Agassizi 'Double Red', 1 Acarichthys Heckelii (male), 1 Heros Severus (juv) and 1 (soon to be traded?) Copora Nicaraguense ( a bit of a bruiser ).

Cats - 1 Acanthicus Hystrix (9"), 1 pair Hoplo. Thoracatum, 3 Syno. Notatus (juv), 4 Whiptails, 3 different Bristlenoses, 1 Leporacanthicus Galaxias (juv), 2 Cory. Aenus.

Misc. - 3 Dwarf Amazon Puffers.

The Fiancee has 4 whopping Goldfish and a Gibbiceps by the name of Fatboy in a 4x2x2 ft. heated tank in the living room. (They get on great!).

This time of year I try to keep warm. Tough job in the Great White
North. :p :D
1 green terror
1 red devil
1 jack dempsey
3 convicts ( breeding pair, extra male)
2 texas
1 pleco
1 blue channel cat
Do you really want to know. ? LOLOL
ready ?

My Lake Victorians and Victorian Basin species

Astatoreochromis Alluaudi
Astatotilapia Piceatus Mwanza Gulf (Rare)
Astatotiapia Aneocolor
Astatotilapia Nubila Anchor Island
Haplochromis sp."Fire"
Haplochromis sp."Ruby Green"
Haplochromis "Red Tail Sheller" F2
Haplochromis sp. "Gold Kenya"
Haplochromis sp. Limax 
Haplochromis sp. Thick Skin Uganda
Haplochromis sp. "Albino" Thick Skin Uganda 
Haplochromis "Redside" Uganda  
Haplochromis "Blue Obliqueidens" Makobe Island
Haplochromis sp. "Red Back Scrapper" Nyegezi Bay
Haplochromis sp. "Purple Yellow" Nyegezi Bay
Harpagochromis sp. "Golden Duck"
Lipochromis "Matumbi Hunter"
Lipochromis "Red Parvidens"
Neochromis Nigricans
Neochromis "Velvet Black"
Paralabidochromis cf. Chromogynus Zue Island
Paralabidochromis "Red Fin Piebald"
Paralabidochromis Chilotes Zue Island
Paralabidochromis Plagiodon Mwanza Gulf
Pundamilia Nyererei
Pundamilia Nyererei Luanso Island
Pundamilia Nyererei Ruti Island
Pundamilia Nyererei Python Island 
Pundamilia Nyererei Igombe Island  ( Variant )
Pundamilia Nyererei Igombe Island
Pundamilia Pundamilia "Zebra Nyererei" Makobe Island
Pundamilia Nyererei Makobe Island
Pundamilia "Black and Orange" Nyererei
Pundamilia sp. "Blue Dorsal Nyererei"
Pundamilia sp. "Red Head Nyererei" 
Pundamilia sp. "Red Flank Nyererei" 
Pundamilia Macrocephala "Deep water" Python Island
Haplochromis "Crimson Tide Red Snout" Pundamilia
Haplochromis "Crimson Tide" (old aquarium strain) Pundamilia
Ptyochromis Salmon "Hippo Point"
Ptyochromis "Migora Red Chest"
Pyxichromis Orthostoma "Largemouth"
Platytaeniodus degeni F0 and F1
Xystichromis Phytophagus "Christmas Fulu"
Xystichromis "Day Glow" Yala Swamp F2
Yssichromis argens

Astatotilapia sp. Kisaware "Yellow" F0
Astatotilapia bloyeti Pangani River "Black" F0   
Astatotilapia sp. Kisaware "Bright Orange" F0   
Astatotilapia Aneocolor "Yellow Belly" Lake Albert
Astatotilapia Aneocolor Lake Edward
Haplochromis "All Red"  Lake Edward
Haplochromis "Black Face" Limax Lake George F1
Haplochromis "Emerald Fire" Lake George F2
Tilapia Guinsana (Sink Hole Fish) ENDANGERED

My Lake Malawi species ( personal favorites)
don't have room for too many due to amount of Vics.

Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka
Aulonocara sp. Lwanda "Orange Top" Mozambique F2
Aulonocara Chilelo "Orange Band" F2
Aulonocara Steveni Usisya "Black Dorsal Flavescent" F1
Aulonocara Stuartgranti "Maulana Bicolor 500"
Labidochromis Caerulus "Electric Yellow" Lions Cove
Lethrinops sp. Nyassae "Gold Cap" Tanzania F2

And last but not least the few Tanganyikans

Chalinochromis ndobhoi Kigoma 
Julidochromis Regani Kipili "Orange"
Julidochromis Transcriptus Gombi
Lamprologus Ocellatus "Blue"
Lamprologus Ocellatus "Gold"
Lamprologus Falcicula F1 Nice Strain
Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus Kapampa
Neolamprologus brichardi F2
Neolamprologus Leleupi "Dutch Orange"

I also have a few SA species of Leprinus / Apistos / Gobbies / and my mudskipper ( skippy)
do the cats and other pets count also. Wonder if I can claim pets as dependents at tax time ?????

On the list there are a few species I no longer have due to EX held them hostage. And a few met fate during the transition. For the most part I still got all the species lacking a few here and there. mostly a few mates that were murdered shortly after the move are missing.

No, I do not have a pet store.
Yes, It's a FULL time Hobby
Yes, It's expensive
Yes, I do sell *Some* species
NO< I am NOT crazy nor insane ( just not running on all 8 cylinders )
Yes, I sometimes wonder just how sane I am ...
And most are kept at my shop (fishroom) and some are here at home. (full house)
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

here is my updated fish list,

29 gallon tanganyikan
2 whisper 3-bye weekly water changes
1=alto. calvus black
1=alto compressiceps gold
1=clown pleco

30 gallon tanganyikan :thumbs:
1 penguin 330?? w/bio wheels-bye weekly water changes
3=callochromis sp.orangetail
1=alto sumbu dwarf comp.

90 g sa/ca
1 emp 400 1 ac 500=900 gallons per hr weekly water changes and vac.
1=aquidens rivulatus
2=african rope fish
6=asst silver dollars
2=exodon tetras
1=black ghost knife

38g office tank
fluval 203 w/weekly water change
1=blood parrot
1=gold gourami
1=honey gourami
3=phantom tetras and godzuki the company's california newt

:*) should i be ashamed of the fact that i love to post what fish i keep :D
coz this is the second time on this thread :p :hyper:
like others I would have to say that I am in the minor leagues as well I have a:
55 gal.
2 red belly pirhanas
30 gal
1 jack dempsey
2 pelcos and a god awful number of gupppies
10 gal ( my fiances)
4 gold fish I know but I guess they were given to her before her mom died
and then the coup de grais
in a 5 gal
all of the feeders for my pirhanas

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