What Did You Do To Your Tank/s Today?

100% WC on the outside goldie tank....pulled Boofer back in from the pond, dang cold in there. The tank isnt as cold funnily enough, he's a bit distressed from being in green water to suddenly clear, so a bit nervous, he should settle.
25% WC on the display goldie tank
25% WC on the Pep BN tank
25% WC on the Gourami tank
Top up of Endler tank
Setting up new tank today. Its temporary, its temporary, its temporary
Pulled down the nano endler tank. Its had the back sprayed black and is now sitting full and scaped and planted waiting for the paint to fully set so i can add the filter to the tank. This is going to be home to my multis
Removed many of the plants from the 2.6ft Gourami tank, i cant finish pulling this down and rescaping until the 5ft angel tank has finished treatment. I did remove the female gourami from here, due to the plant removal she hasnt enough hiding places from the male and was being harrassed endlessly, so she is in the male endler tank temporarily.
Now debating if i want to pull down the betta tank for a rescape lol
Stripped the sump on the 65G. Mainly because it kept spraying water everywhere if a pipe shifted more than a millimeter, and rearranged it the way I've been meaning to have it for ages.
Cleaned and small rescape on the Betta tank
Staring at the hair algae in my nano tank, wondering what changes i should do..... :lol:
Four footer, waterchange/sand vac, clean one filter, remove one Rangari sword for the "naughty tank", trim a few leaves, scrub, scrub, and scrub the BBA.

20 gallon "Neon tank", move driftwood, attach Anubius better, waterchange/sand vac, remove one dwarf Amazon sword for the "naughty tank".

20 gallon "Naughty tank", waterchange/sand vac, plant Rangari and dwarf Amazon swords.

10 gallon Quarantine, look at it in passing.
Yesterday was the day of The Big Move.  So, late last week I captured the fish from my 130l and bagged them individually, stole a Stricta from my 200l tank and bagged it along with the lonely strands of whatever was left in the 130l (I think it was an Aluminium plant but the fish keep eating the leaves). I put the fish bags into a polystyrene box.  Took all the filter media out and bagged it, rinsed the filter box in the now empty tank, removed all the decorations and bagged them.  Siphoned the tank water through the gravel completely.
Moved the tank and realised that leaving just the gravel in the tank was a big mistake, especially since I had to lug the tank up the stairs at the new place. Lesson learned! An extra 20kg of weight is not much fun.
Reassembled the tank in the new place, filled it with dechlorinated tap water (using a couple of buckets of warm water to get the temperature up to about 23 degrees). Reassembled the filter, started it up and acclimatised the fish.  The tank has not looked so clean in ages and the fish seem to be delighted in their new place.  The best news is the Stricta had an extensive root system so the little buggers haven't pulled it out of the gravel! Yet!
On to yesterday. Captured the fish (including my not-so-little babies from the breeding tank) and bagged them, bagged the plants and rocks and wood and so on and so forth.  Again the fish went into the polystyrene box. Disassembled the heater, airstone, filter, etc etc. Sucked the gravel clean, and this time I spent a good deal of time removing the gravel (one 40l bin full of gravel later...). Everything into the car and trailer.
At the new place I took out my frustrations and percussively removed the chipboard from the bottom of the cabinet.  I have assembled it backwards for now, so over the next week or so I can cut some wood up (tongue and groove) and build a solid wood base in the cabinet. Reconnected everything.  I used a hose to add the water, and a bin of warm/hot water, so the tank was at around 24 degrees (heater is set to 25). Dechlorinated of course.
While I was acclimatising my fish, I discovered to my eternal sadness that my last remaining male Cherry Barb had not made the trip.

The rest of them were fine this morning, but I discovered to my horror that I've left most of the food behind! So the poor dears got a treat of frozen brine shrimp this morning and tonight they'll get a proper feed. Again they look delighted in their new surroundings.
It's an experience I don't want to repeat any time soon, but we're moving back in three months so I guess I'll be doing it again.  At least I didn't drop anything! And the 200l tank is on the ground floor so I didn't have to lug it up any stairs.

And now I have a quarantine tank just in case!
Found a dead rummynose in the 29 gallon so I did a 40% water change 2 days early to be safe.
Emptied the 5 gal snail tank. Diluted bleach solution, cleaned tank and dipped plants, threw away gravel replaced with fine black gravel.

Diluted bleach cleaned heater, thermometer and but and pieces.

Cleaned filter in old tank water.

Fresh dechlored water, double checked everything, transferred snails back to nice clean 5 gal tank!


Amazing the lengths go to just to get rid of planeria! :X
Planaria do not like vinegar, just for future reference :)
I added 2 new angels, 8 Black widow tetras and Diablo into my 5ft tank
I am debating starting the pull down of the 2.6ft, well not starting exactly, but finishing (all plants and most fish are no longer in there)
Did a 50% WC. Tested 5ppm of NO3. Put some Seachem complete into the tank. Tried to determine if my tank kills all plants because of phosphate overdose or potassium deficiency. Well I've got some floating plants that the edges of the leaves turn brown as they slowly die. Previous plants would release green leaves from the stems and turn brown. Its just like the tank consumes them....
Gourami's been happy though.
Fitted my brand new dividers to my quarantine tank....only to find they're too small :(
Well added a new twist to doing a waterchange. Put an overly protective mama Angel back in the tank.
Took the lid off, and she came out of the water. A quick flinch saved me a slap in the face. No harm done though. Put her back in, and as I put the lid back on, she was trying to come through the glass at me.
Removed  a pc of driftwood with anubias plants on it.  Dipped the leaves in 19:1 water to chlorine solution to remove stubborn brown algae.  Soaked the leaves for 90 seconds and wiped the leaves with a paper towel.  Then rinsed in dechlorinated water.   The algae is now mostly gone.  Hint:  don't soak the drifwood in chlorine solution as it will absorb the chlorine and may harm you fish.   Thanks go to WildBetta and TwoTankAmin for hints on doing this.

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