What Did You Do To Your Tank/s Today?


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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Just curious :D
I did:
50% WC, and substrate clean on my common and albino Bristlenose tank
50% WC and partial substrate clean on my Shellie tank
75% WC, substrate clean, rescape on my outdoor Goldie tank 
Feel free to add what you did to your tank/s today :D
I will be doing WC's on my 120L and 35L tanks... when I get out of my pyjamas
I will be cleaning filters and wc on my 400l, wc on my oscar tank (oh my fingers :() wc on my 200l community tank, transferring the now better weather loach to my main weather loach tank and (hopefully fingers crossed) close down the hospital/quarantine tank so I get a bit of space on the worktop in the kitchen lol
Tested water parameters after 3 weeks without doing a water change, Ph 7.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 15ppm,
phosphate 1ppm, It's been consistently like that for two weeks now, I'm testing every 3rd day and see how long before/if anything changes,
daizeUK said:
I will be doing WC's on my 120L and 35L tanks... when I get out of my pyjamas
You're still in your pyjamas at 11am 

Already cleaned kitchen and bathroom floors, hoovered up, general tidy up and had breakfast all before 10.30 

Now just having a cuppa tea before doing a water change on both my 40 l and 22l tanks and I recently sold my large tank so person is collecting that today so will just quickly make sure its clean and ready before pickup.
Then gonna read up a bit more about EI ferts and probably get some of that ordered too.
Walked by them this morning. This evening, poop patrol on the four footer. Clean up and 25% water change tommorow.
25% waterchange/substrate clean in Betta tank, then add meds. Got an ich outbreak. Neons are dropping like flies.
I'm doing a 60% change on my oscar's 5'x2'x2'; thank goodness for hoses, I say!
What I really did:
Checked temperature, fished out dead plant leaves which are more than usual due to some plants dying while the gas was out, replanted something that had been pulled up, Fed the first feed of the day - 3 types of food, changes the lettuce for the Rosy Barbs which stops them eating so many plants, examined the Mollys for white spot which they seem to be over, checked everything else.
Did a general spring clean on my 20G and 10G's along with 50% water changes and topped up the fertiliser tanks in between calls. Then stopped before sorting the 65G after falling over in the garden and spraining my ankle.
50% WC & substrate clean on display goldie tank, removed 2 goldies to the outside tank
50% WC on Gourami tank, dosed with Dino Spit & Flourish
25% WC on nano Endler tank, canister fully cleaned
50% WC & substrate clean on Peppermint BN tank
Big clear out, some plants gone, big substrate clean, got the rocks out.
Had a bad week lost a couple of fish, I thought through age.
Last week a Columbian just seemed to go bad. Wife rang (I do hgv and am away for days at a time)me to say it looked like a zombie fish. Had another going the same way. Whilst taking out said zombies early last week I noticed one of the fish we had lost trapped in the bottom of the tank.
Cleared the bad fish and the now 2nd big clean inc filter and umpteenth water change and the fish seem to be ok although the tank is pretty sparse and will be for a week or so until im sure their ok.
If I spend any longer in that tank I will grow gills.

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