Fish Herder
Hi, I just had a few questions about upgrading to a 50 gallon tank from my current ten. I have 7 male guppies(one is in hospital tank at the moment). This was the first time I've ever had guppies and I didn't realize just how territorial they'd be to each other. Almost all of them have nipped tails. Anyway, as I can't add more fish to the ten, I want to upgrade as soon as I get the money together. I will do plants in the bigger tank eventually but maybe not all at once.
My plan was this...get two females for every make, so that would be 21 guppies right off the bat. I also wanted to add 6 zebra danios to help with guppy population control, one bristle nose pleco, and I wanted to also add 6 bandit(melini) corycats. Would this fish load be OK in this tank? I will be putting a SunSun 4 stage canister filter with uv(uv being 4th stage) with fluval prefilter media in bottom basket. Maybe a course sponge on top of those in same basket. In the middle I would do medium sponge and polyfil. And in the top basket I was thinking of filling it with fluval biomedia stuff. Substrate will probably be playsand or other type of sand.
Is this OK for a tank? And...another question. After II get the fishless cycle done, should I add 14 female guppies to the tank first and use it as a quarantine tank for them and then put the males in? Or should I put my males in first and use my 10 and 5 gallon to do like 7 females at a time and then put them in with the males? I want the least amount of stress on the fish so that's why I was wondering. And could I use my five gallon(barebottom) to quatantine the 6 cories in when I was ready to add those? My ten gallon has gravel for substrate which I know isn't good for them. more question...once my 50 is set up, my ten gallon will be empty except for 2 nerite snails and some pond snails. I was wanting to do either just one school of glowlight tetras or maybe 6 glowlight and 6 neons? Not sure if that would be too much though. I have an aquaclear 20 hob on this tank. Only plants are anubias Nana, anubias coffefolia, and anubias nangi.
Thanks for all the help! If I can't upgrade soon then it may be just after the first of the year at income tax time. Depends on if I can sell some stuff to start getting supplies for bigger tank or not.
My plan was this...get two females for every make, so that would be 21 guppies right off the bat. I also wanted to add 6 zebra danios to help with guppy population control, one bristle nose pleco, and I wanted to also add 6 bandit(melini) corycats. Would this fish load be OK in this tank? I will be putting a SunSun 4 stage canister filter with uv(uv being 4th stage) with fluval prefilter media in bottom basket. Maybe a course sponge on top of those in same basket. In the middle I would do medium sponge and polyfil. And in the top basket I was thinking of filling it with fluval biomedia stuff. Substrate will probably be playsand or other type of sand.
Is this OK for a tank? And...another question. After II get the fishless cycle done, should I add 14 female guppies to the tank first and use it as a quarantine tank for them and then put the males in? Or should I put my males in first and use my 10 and 5 gallon to do like 7 females at a time and then put them in with the males? I want the least amount of stress on the fish so that's why I was wondering. And could I use my five gallon(barebottom) to quatantine the 6 cories in when I was ready to add those? My ten gallon has gravel for substrate which I know isn't good for them. more question...once my 50 is set up, my ten gallon will be empty except for 2 nerite snails and some pond snails. I was wanting to do either just one school of glowlight tetras or maybe 6 glowlight and 6 neons? Not sure if that would be too much though. I have an aquaclear 20 hob on this tank. Only plants are anubias Nana, anubias coffefolia, and anubias nangi.
Thanks for all the help! If I can't upgrade soon then it may be just after the first of the year at income tax time. Depends on if I can sell some stuff to start getting supplies for bigger tank or not.