
New Member
Nov 16, 2012
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Hi, I have a 55 gallon tank that has been established for almost two years, and I have a common plecostomus that is probably around 
3-4 years old. He is about 9 inches long. I saw this little peppermint plecostomus at the LFS yesterday and fell in love with him
 Is it possible to have 2 pleco's in one tank? My tank is nowhere near overstocked. I have 11 neon's, 5 brilliant rasbroras, 6 lamp eye's, 6 head & tail lights. I have had this pleco in a tank with a a betta, guppies, and many other small fish and he has never had a hint of aggression, but who knows. Is it safe for my fish to have two pleco's? Thanks:)
I don't know the size of a peppermint pleco... but if he stays smaller, you should be fine. I have three places in my 55. One common and two BN.
As long as your feeding algae wafers, you should be good. I had a medium sized who grew to be 13 inches. He would harass my other fish, and the larger it got, the less cleaning of algae it would do. He liked shrimp pellets more then the algae, so I ended up moving it out and brought in two smaller ones.
Common plecs can turn aggressive very quickly, the bigger they are the more damage they cause. I had a 10" rescue and she killed 5 fish in one night, it was only the following night I watched her do it. My two largest plecs lived together over 10 years then suddenly went at each other, thankfully I had another tank I could move the gibby too. Personally I wouldnt mix a common with another plec.
Only two?  Your plecos should be fine.  I've housed all kinds of plecos together before with limited problems.  They'll stay out of each other's way.  Just look for signs of injuries from time to time if you're concerned.
2 plecos of the same kind is disastrous for a well-planted tank. Messy substrate and lots of uprooting taking place. One of each small pleco sp. usually ends well

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