Two Assassin Snails and a Nerite (20G)

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Jan 24, 2023
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Provo Utah
Hi there šŸ‘‹ I finally made a fish forum for all of my fishy questions.
I bought a couple panda corys today, a couple AFDs, and i saw the Assassin Snails, and at first I thought they were so cool i HAD to buy them. SO i did (they tried to breed and i saw their mouth and im a little heeby geebied)
ANYWAY it was an impulsive buy. The girl said they wouldnt effect the nerite, etc.
I come home and realize that im pretty sure they swallow snails whole. So.. my snail! My Nerite.. came to check things out and turned the other direction..
Even though hes bigger i got scared for him and tried to take him out but i dont know how, and he wouldnt budge off the glass. I waited for him to go onto the rocks but he's hiding behind the filter.
Im just really nervous, i dont want him to get attacked.
My tank is a 20 gallon. I have some dried bloodworms etc. I saw one of the assasin snails slirp one up after he tried to escape the tank in embarassment that his partnerā€™d rejected him.
The Nerite is 1.5-2 times the size of my assassin snails. I have another tank he could go in, if I can even get him..
Iā€™ll hope to add some lettuce to the tank to feed him, but alls I have is dried blood worms or fish/amphibian/shrimp food for the assassins.
So my question is, do you think my Nerite will be able to defend himself? Will the assassinā€™s care to attack him if the environment be not stressful? (Even my betta doesn't attack. All of my fish get along.)
Does anyone have any experiences with this?
I read a forum and i guess it depends on the strength of the Nerite. But i want him to live peacefully, without being attacked by these omnivorious cousins.
Will they even try to attack the nitrite if i leave other food available to him?
I donā€™t know if this is true, just an idea, but i donā€™t think fish enjoy attacking each other in a peaceful environment, as long as their needs are met.
Thanks for any comments!
He liked those blood worms. He stuck the remaining to the aquarium glass to save for later.


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Never had assassin snails myself but have heard of them going after nerites. Whenever you have a predator and a prey animal together it's always a game of chance even if the predator is well fed; there are never any guarantees on what the predator species will or will not do. I would recommend removing and returning one or the other type of snail if you don't want the Nerite to risk being eaten.
Assasin snails are awesome. I have a colony myself and never have pest snails. They are that efficient. I would not house any other snails with them.
Assasin snails are awesome. I have a colony myself and never have pest snails. They are that efficient. I would not house any other snails with them.
How do i get my snail out? Hes hanging out above the water but i dont know how to remove him. I read against the swirls but my rooms too dark and i broke my tank light, and have to buy a new one.
Thank u
How do i get my snail out? Hes hanging out above the water but i dont know how to remove him. I read against the swirls but my rooms too dark and i broke my tank light, and have to buy a new one.
Thank u
The assassin shouldn't have a strong grip; just grab it and scoot it gently around on the glass a bit if it doesn't let go right away. If the foot is visible, apply pressure to the sides of the foot gently and it should lose its grip pretty fast.

Nerites are tougher but same general strategy for a first try and then slide something like a credit card under the shell if it really has an atomic grip on the glass. If on rock or some other uneven surface, just wait for it to move if it doesn't drop off when bumped. Not worth risking damage.

Never twist of just pull straight back to remove either snail if it doesn't let go on it's own, as that can injure the soft tissue attachment to the shell.
A credit card eh? Thatā€™s a good idea. He hasnā€™t moved yet so Iā€™ll try.

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