Thought I Would Share This Incredible Photo.


Fish Herder
Nov 6, 2012
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So, my husband and I own a red ailed hawk, hubby had just put 'RT' on his perch and happened to be watching him with the glove on when this happened:

I <3 robins, he even had time to take his mobile out of his pocket to take a photo before he flew away.

Oops, that's meant to say 'red tailed' he's not a drunk hawk! Ha ha
Am now hugely jealous, as I am fascinated by birds-of-prey. We very very seriously considered buying a Harris Hawk a few years back, but concluded that our lifestyle was not conducive to its needs.
That's a shame, but yes you need to have lots of time and helpful to have your own land to fly them on - or a friendly farmer that wants some rabbit control.
I am hoping to enter RT in a pet of the month competition soon :D
How lucky was your husband to be able to get that picture! Awesome!
I know, I was jealous it wasn't me!
We do live in a quiet area and the local robins are very inquisitive.
Great picture, maybe the Robin wants to be a Hawk too? :)
Shelster said:
That's a shame, but yes you need to have lots of time and helpful to have your own land to fly them on - or a friendly farmer that wants some rabbit control.
I am hoping to enter RT in a pet of the month competition soon
No way on this earth that a RT wouldn't win PotM. There's only so many rabbits that you can drool over.
Robins are clever little things, I bet it had been watching the hawk get food from the gloved hand and figured it must be a good place to get a feed. Will definantly want to see your RT in the pet of the month comp. Years ago we had a black shouldered kite with an amputated wing (hit buy a car), it was doing great until somebody decided the house needed pest control and sprayed for termites and cockaroaches. Now days in Australia (well backward Queensland
 ), if any bird or animal can't be released back into the wild they must be killed. And raptor permits are not easily obatianed.
I have also had in my care Tawny Frogmouths, Bookbook owls and barn owls, all rehabbed and released. As well as this Kingfisher
Lovely colouring on that kingfisher :)

A shame about the re-release but I guess you can only go so far with these things. You really have seen some wildlife then :D
That's a really cool picture!  Nice opportunity!  :)  Last year (and I will check it out again this year) I logged onto the Alcoa bald eagle live webcam.  It was really nice watching the eaglets grow and how mom and dad took care of them.  Quite the experience for anyone who might be interested.
sorry this is late... but can i see a pic of your hawk? i have always wanted one!!!! :D
If you check out potm, I've entered him for this month :)

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