Thinking Of Going From Fresh To Marine

Doesent look like a worm it moves like a slug/snail and has to antennas on its head like a slug/snail.

Looks very much like a Stomatella but britley all over

looks like this without the green

I got a few spirorbids on my glass and corals to which is cool because they are apparantly a sign of a healthy tank.
a nudibranch then probably one that came on the zoanthids, i would get rid they have been know to eat the zoanthids.
Thats the sucker..looked him up on google and it looks pretty much the same as everything that came up...just a boring colour version.
Just killed my Nudibranch and Anenome,the anenome was easy to get rid of,i took the rock out of the tank...mainly because the clowns were biting the hell outta me lol! and i pulled him off the rock with tweezers from the floaty bits to worry about :p

My clowns are really colouring up now,they were a see thru yellow when i got them and now they are going a deeper sunburst orange and much fatter,they wouldnt eat the mysis i was feeding them originally but they love the pellets im feeding them.
mine arent too keen on mysys either, try some of the gamma frozen range as they do a few mixtures that mine munch down pretty good.
Clowns seem to get more colour the older they get and the happier they are so thats a good thing too
Just added another KG of LR today and adding 2 more on Tuesday.

Water Params are still perfect,everything healthy other than the white mark on my clowns face,all baddie hitchikers killed.
Come on Glen you know the drill by now!

If you are making changes to the tank then some pictures are in order!

I'd like to see how the 'scaping is going :)

Good job so far but I'd be surprised if you have got rid of the Aip. Stubborn blighters they are and will grow back from the tiniest fragment left on the rock.
I bought a yellow tail blue damsel :eek: i gave in,he was only £4 so i will keep a close eye on him,if hes a lil sh*te i will take him back...but gave in because i love em!

Yeh will take new pics when i sort my scape out,lookin a bit like a bomb site at the mo,need to tidy up what goes where.

I might wait till i get my rock next Tuesday then scape from there cos the stuff I got is well hard to stack cos of its shape and the amount of life thats on it :p

I need to get some big holey bits from stack rather than these more compact full of life bits i keep getting then i can get some bulk goin!,im so glad i have got that ocean rock tho,i didnt realise how small these Kgs are,the bits i bought today amount to around 1.5Kg and its still pretty tiny!
Heres a quick pic i done from my webcam on my Laptop so you can see what im trying to do with the scape...what do you think of it? any suggestions?

Currently has
5kg of Base Rock
4.5Kg of Live Rock
2 x Ocellaris Clowns
1 x Yellow Tail Blue Damsel
2 x Blue Legged Hermits
3 varietys of Zoas.


My plan is to add another 5kg of Live Rock
Yellow watchman goby
Pistol Shrimp (maybe)
Blood/Fire Shrimp
Cleaner shrimp
4 turbo snails
3 more blue legged hermits
3 red legged hermits
some type of algae eating crab

I'm also interested in some kind of bright coloured small star fish

And eventually a Anemone (after about a year)
It's coming together. It is of course quite hard to be creative when you have a limited amount of rock but you are getting there. Once the base rock colours up it will help though this will take quite a while.

Your stocking list looks ok with a couple of exceptions perhaps.

As you've probably read some of the other recent threads about anemones you will know how controversial it is to try to keep these in a nano tank (and in some peoples eyes to keep them at all). If you haven't then it's worth doing a bit of research and see what you think. I won't go any further into that.

The other issue would be with the star fish. They need lots of area to graze for food and nano tanks don't offer enough to keep them properly fed and in most cases they eventually starve. I brought a red star fish early on but took it back to the lfs when warned about the potential problems on this forum (take a look at my thread). I didn't want to but I didn't want to cause suffering if I could easily avoid it. There may be a couple of brittle stars that could go into a nano but I would suggest researching to find out what might be suitable.

Your best algae crab would probably be the mithrax (emerald crab). Apparently they have been known to pick at soft corals I think by and large they are well behaved and are considered reef safe.

Has the damsel been behaving himself?
Clowns are picking on him a bit,but its kinda stopped the female picking on the male so thats a good thing,hes a bit annoyed (the damsel) and hanging around behind my rock pile away from the clowns...i will be observing them closely and any problems and hes being sent back to TAC.

Thats the Crab i saw down the LFS (Emerald) although i am in two minds as they tend to hide to much...much like the blood/fire shrimp i'm interested in.

How long does it normally take for rocks to purple up? i have one fantastic piece..really bright purple wheras the rest is patchy and of course the base rock is bright white and looks a lil silly.

Is it better to stack my reef backwards towards the back wall of the tank or is it better how im doing it? where it is all stacked in the center like a island so water can travel 360 around it?

I can see why it would be better but its a pain getting it stable.
Why can't fish just get along eh?

I've had two emeralds and one was out all the time munching away, and the other one hid quite a bit but did come out occasionally particularly at tank feed time.

As far as rock colouration is concerned, you would count it in months before it gets anything like the live rock you have. Maybe you could aquascape it so it provides bulk but is hidden under the live rock (once you have enough).

Scaping to the back wall is pretty much a personal preference. I've gone to the back wall but have a large cavity at the bottom. This is good as it from the front it looks solid and more bulky and at the same time allows good water penetration but bad because it's given my watchman somewhere to hide and we NEVER see him. I can shine a torch at the back and there he is and he cowers in the crevices but he doesn't come out to the front. I'm convinced we have a pistol in there which is why we don't see the watchman. I still hear loud clicks
that I can't account for.
If you have a problem getting the rock stable then just use Milliput. You don't have to stick every rock, just use it selectively on the unstable rocks.

If you stick with the island, although cleaning etc is easier, it would work out less effective for soft corals if you decided to go that route as it limits the space you have to put them.
I just read your thread and i have gone on a change around mission,I used your front and side shots as a handy guide to stacking and i have started it from the back wall.

When i get paid next week I'm getting more rock so I can start to cover up that ghastly white rock.

I got rid of that horrible coral cup ornament my mrs loved so much but im keeping the other 2 as they look so real :p

One of my Hermits shed earlier..Looks much bigger and much bluer now :D
for the record i wasnt being sarcastic i was replying in the same manner you were, hardly newbie bashing eh ;)

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