Hi everyone! So happy to have found this community. Oh, how I miss the heyday of internet forums. Glad to see this one's so active!
I "kept" bettas as a young child, back when I didn't know better. When I did start knowing better, I fought against disinterested parents. So it goes, the classic tale of a larval fishkeeper. Ever since, I've been researching and learning about aquariums as a hobby in and of itself! I love learning and hoarding little pieces of information, and this hobby is an extremely good outlet for that instinct. However, I was never in much of a position to actually get a tank and fish of my own until now, I've found myself thrust—rather violently, I'll say—into the actual hobby of keeping aquariums. I'm having to do some catching up and a bit of additional learning on my feet, but I want to do the very best by the fish that is now under my care, and I'm so happy to be able to continue to learn, grow, and gain experience in this hobby.
This is already quite long, but just a bit of additional information about me personally: I'm a masters student working in marine biology! I have a good working knowledge of marine fish biology, but my specialty is in invertebrates
If you want to talk marine inverts, please! I love meeting other people who have a passion for them. But yes, I'm new to freshwater! It's a bit of a foreign realm to me. I have experience working in a small local aquarium with saltwater tanks, so I'm continually baffled by the lack of salt. What do you mean you can get water on this thing and not have to worry about it immediately corroding into dust??
Other than aquatic interests, I adore foraging and home canning (primarily with said foraged items lol). I also make art when I have the time and energy. Working on building up my scientific illustration portfolio! I think this new hobby will be a fantastic outlet for that as well.
So happy to meet you all!
I "kept" bettas as a young child, back when I didn't know better. When I did start knowing better, I fought against disinterested parents. So it goes, the classic tale of a larval fishkeeper. Ever since, I've been researching and learning about aquariums as a hobby in and of itself! I love learning and hoarding little pieces of information, and this hobby is an extremely good outlet for that instinct. However, I was never in much of a position to actually get a tank and fish of my own until now, I've found myself thrust—rather violently, I'll say—into the actual hobby of keeping aquariums. I'm having to do some catching up and a bit of additional learning on my feet, but I want to do the very best by the fish that is now under my care, and I'm so happy to be able to continue to learn, grow, and gain experience in this hobby.
This is already quite long, but just a bit of additional information about me personally: I'm a masters student working in marine biology! I have a good working knowledge of marine fish biology, but my specialty is in invertebrates
Other than aquatic interests, I adore foraging and home canning (primarily with said foraged items lol). I also make art when I have the time and energy. Working on building up my scientific illustration portfolio! I think this new hobby will be a fantastic outlet for that as well.
So happy to meet you all!