Thinking Of Getting An Electric Blue Jack Dempsey


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2012
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I've got a 55 gallon community tank that I'm changing around.
Currently got 6 zebra loach, a keyhole cichlid, opaline gourami, 4 bosemani rainbows & a couple of Molly's in it.
I've gave up on plants & fancy a change! Really want an EBJD with a nice shoal of tiger barbs. Do you think my zebra loaches & keyhole could hack it with my proposed stocking?
I've got a tetratec 1200 & a fluval u4 that are both mature
7.6 tap

The tanks got a nice big piece of big wood & I'm looking for some rocks to finish the scape off with.
Tank volume is not particularly helpful for compatibility, can you give the dimensions?
They are quite aggressive fish, so you would probably have to get rid of your current stock (assuming your tank is big enough). Keyholes are definitely too shy to be compatible and the loaches are likely to be shredded.
You should have a read of , it's one of the best resources!
Tank is 100x40x55cm

I'll check out that link, cheers
rolo0151 said:
I've got a 55 gallon community tank that I'm changing around.
Currently got 6 zebra loach, a keyhole cichlid, opaline gourami, 4 bosemani rainbows & a couple of Molly's in it.
I've gave up on plants & fancy a change! Really want an EBJD with a nice shoal of tiger barbs. Do you think my zebra loaches & keyhole could hack it with my proposed stocking?
I've got a tetratec 1200 & a fluval u4 that are both mature
7.6 tap

The tanks got a nice big piece of big wood & I'm looking for some rocks to finish the scape off with.
I've no experience with JD's personally. I wouldn't risk Tiger Barbs with your gourami, could get nipped, wouldn't be too surprised if they nipped the Keyhole either. If you like tiger barbs, check out ruby barbs, they're  slightly smaller, but have similar markings and I've never had issues with them nipping.
For a regular JD, a tank that is at least 4ft (120cm) long is needed. Although I have heard that EBJDs are smaller and less aggressive so a 55 could work. I wouldn't personally do it though.
No idea about EBJD's but a regular one in a 55 is a decent size. They would definitely stress out or attack the others.
Unseen said:
No idea about EBJD's but a regular one in a 55 is a decent size. They would definitely stress out or attack the others.
I'd disagree. For these particular dimensions, 55 is not a good size. A bare minimum size? maybe, but not really a good size.
JDs grow to about 25cm so 100x40x55 doesn't really give them a lot of space.
Average size for most jacks is 8" a 55 gal would be fine for one. Not sure about tank mates that's when things get tight,

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