there be fry in here


May 12, 2004
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Newcastle upon Tyne ,England
so as i said in a previous post i was gonna have just the one pond but everyone liked the old one
so i halved it and turned it into a water feature (fishless)
now when i drained it there was still a little water in the bottom .i filled it up again stuck a small hozelock pump in and thought no more
i was showing the kids the midges emerging from there whatsit form to winged form and behold a small black darting titsy weeny ickle fish shot across the pond
i had to double take to make sure but sure enough there it was
not sure if theres any more ,but nature sure does find a way :kana: im a dad woohoo
:lol: Nature works in strange ways but good to hear. Goldfish right? I thought I had netted all the fish out of one pond and moved them once only to discover two more the next spring that had some how hidden for months. :blink:
not sure ryan as i had 2 koi in there as well definitly not matsubas unless they washed down from the top pond when it was in but im guessing either comet or goldfish but maybe koi time will tell

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