Tankmate Suggestions

Steve GT

Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2011
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Moving all my Catfish into there own much bigger tank which leaves My oscar a large red tailed shark and a large common plec on its own in a 250 litre tank. I want a nice tank of colourful but not aggressive fish. probably cichlids but will consider anything else.

Thinking of a Blue Dolphin cichlid for one read up on them and apparently there slightly terrotorial during spawning but quite suitable for a community cichlid set up. Anyone else got any other good suggestions of fish to consider (by the way the oscar iv got is soft as mud doesnt seem he would hurt a fly lol)
BBetween the Oscar and plec, your tank is going to be full when they are adults. As far as the dolphin, they are Malawi cichlids and need completely different water conditions than the fish you have.
an oscar a red tailed shark and a plec is overstocked in a 4ft x 1.5ft x nearly 3ft deep tank????
4 x 1.5 x 3 is not 250 litres

That would be more like 400l +
i was told 250 l not really stopped to work it out. what will it be then?
Maybe a school of something like silver dollars? Length is more important than depth with cichlids.
hmmmmm silver sollars are nice but im looking at something a bit more colourful which im guessing will be hard to find cause most things weve considered with colour have been terrotorial or aggressive lol
Na with those dimensions your not overstocked but it will be kinda tricky to get something that 1... Ur Oscar won't eat and 2... Stopping the tank becoming overstocked...

Would jewel cichlids work? They are brightly coloured and dont get too big... Maybe a bit on the aggressive side though? Just a thought
Jewels are a possible choice, many would say a snack for an oscar but I've tried the combination and have been successful, maybe a Convict OR a Dempsey? Remember it's trial and error.
Really depends on the size of the Oscar now and the size of the fish added... My friend has also kept an Oscar with jewels and convicts and a green terror... In a slightly bigger though

Jewels are a possible choice, many would say a snack for an oscar but I've tried the combination and have been successful, maybe a Convict OR a Dempsey? Remember it's trial and error.
Trial and error is the fun part :)
Moving all my Catfish into there own much bigger tank which leaves My oscar a large red tailed shark and a large common plec on its own in a 250 litre tank. I want a nice tank of colourful but not aggressive fish. probably cichlids but will consider anything else.

Thinking of a Blue Dolphin cichlid for one read up on them and apparently there slightly terrotorial during spawning but quite suitable for a community cichlid set up. Anyone else got any other good suggestions of fish to consider (by the way the oscar iv got is soft as mud doesnt seem he would hurt a fly lol)
I agree with fishy friend but if you add ANYTHING theres a citlid called a Eletric Yellow Citlid that is very colorful and small but if i where you i would not add anything
Give us accurate dimensions and we can give you better ideas. If your tank is closer to 400 ltrs I would recommend a gold or red spot severum. Don't get any African lake cichlids, they need different water to thrive. There are other chilies that could do well. Find fish you like then ask if they are compatible.
see thats the thing iv found though. i know you can never tell for sure but my oscars 12" hes a big lad and gets hungry very quickly like most oscars do. Iv never seen him attack or even bother other fish. Hes got a red tail shark in there that would easily fit in his mouth but he doesnt even look at it. Have i just got a really nice oscar or does anyone else have the same impression of oscars?

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