Takashi Amano At Work

Holy bananas that tank is huge-- and pretty. Its like a piece of a the wild cut out and put on display.
This has been posted so many times on every forum across the world lol.

He is one ace guy and this, his altum angel tank, is one of his most spectacular!
never seen that before so thanks for sharing

absolutely awesome tank. The vid of him feedig the altums is a good watch as well
It's great stuff. Would love a tank that big one day, but would have a tough tine deciding whether to plant it like that, go SW with it, or do what T1KARMANN did with his tank here. :lol: You watch. Will become a famous opera diva & will have a BIG tank. Future husband better like this hobby too, or he'll be in trouble. :lol:

Yes, it IS posted a lot, but who really gets tired of it? I certainly don't & I've seen this about a dozen times already. :lol:
That link doesn't get boring does it!

heres another Amano vid i love, Amano's gallery

Beautiful tanks, though I'm with Biulu, I like more different scapes. Too much green for my personal taste. Your videos, Ian, have better soundtracks, though. :lol:
It's great stuff. Would love a tank that big one day, but would have a tough tine deciding whether to plant it like that, go SW with it, or do what T1KARMANN did with his tank here. :lol: You watch. Will become a famous opera diva & will have a BIG tank. Future husband better like this hobby too, or he'll be in trouble. :lol:

Surely if we're going for "in my ideal future" you'd have enough room and money for two or three?! :lol: then you could do several different setups, each with their own beauty!! :shifty: :hyper:

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