Stocking 300 litre tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2019
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Hi All. I am quite new to the hobby. I got my first tank in February. It's a 180 litre community tank stocked with a variety of barbs, neon, cardinal and harlequin tetra, galaxy rasborus and a Cory catfish. I've just bought a 300 litre and am wondering what to put in it.I'd like something different from what I already have. My water is soft. I intend to plant it up. I quite like dwarf gourami and discus. I'm currently researching compatibility of different fish. Any ideas?
I also like the frilly type fish which I haven't been able to keep because of the barbs. Any ideas on a centrepiece fish, with others?
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)?

What is the GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness) and pH of your water supply. This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website or by telephoning them. If they can't help you, take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and get them to test it for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the tests. And ask them what the results are in (eg: ppm, dGH, or something else).

Don't get dwarf gouramis (Colisa lalius) or any of their colour forms because they regularly carry Tuberculosis and the Iridovirus, neither of which can be treated.

Your best bet is to visit a few pet shops and make a list of fish and plants you like. Then post that list here along with the water chemistry (pH, GH & KH), and tank dimensions, and we can advise you on which fish and plants can go together.
Thanks for your answer Colin T. Info as follows:
Tank size: w 120cm, h 70cm, d 39cm
300w heater
Internal filter 1800lh
Led lighting
pH of glass of water from tap is 6.5
I am quite drawn to discusand like the idea of having a feature fish. I like beta, guppy fantails, frilly type fish but know they're not compatible with each other. Suggestions welcome. I'm also intending to plant live plants in the tank. I currently have a community tank of various barbs, tetras, galaxy rasborus, harlequin tetra, A cory catfish and a striped loach. so fancy something different in the new tank.
I haven't set the water up in my new tank yet but (using API strips) my community tank is
GH 120
KH 80
PH 7
I am thinking for my new 300 litre tank discus, dwarf gourami and tetra but am open to suggestions particularly on frilly type fish. I have read conflicting advice on keeping discus and dwarf gourami together. Thanks in advance for your help.
Dwarf gouramis (Colisa lalius) and any of their colour forms regularly carry Tuberculosis and the Iridovirus, neither of which can be treated. And if these diseases get into your tank, they are there until you stirp the tank and disinfect everything.

Other types of gourami are generally free of TB but all gouramis can carry the Iridovirus.

African butterfly fish (Pantodon buchholzi) is a surface dweller that grows to about 4 inches long and has long fins. It will also be ok with the warmer water.

Apistogramma cacatuoides is a bottom dwelling cichlid that will be fine with discus.

Pearl gourami (Trichopodus leerii) should be ok with discus but some males can get pushy.
Dwarf gouramis (Colisa lalius) and any of their colour forms regularly carry Tuberculosis and the Iridovirus, neither of which can be treated. And if these diseases get into your tank, they are there until you stirp the tank and disinfect everything.

Other types of gourami are generally free of TB but all gouramis can carry the Iridovirus.

African butterfly fish (Pantodon buchholzi) is a surface dweller that grows to about 4 inches long and has long fins. It will also be ok with the warmer water.

Apistogramma cacatuoides is a bottom dwelling cichlid that will be fine with discus.

Pearl gourami (Trichopodus leerii) should be ok with discus but some males can get pushy.
Thanks for the info Colin. I'm just going to research your suggestions. Do you think my water parameters are ok for the stock we've discussed?
Your water chemistry (GH, KH and pH) is fine for the fish I listed.
Your water chemistry (GH, KH and pH) is fine for the fish I listed.
I really like the look of the Apistogramma cacacatuoids but not too sure about the butterflyfish. I've also read the butterfly fish would eat smaller fish so would that mean no tetras? What kind of numbers of fish would you recommend?
Apistogramma cacatuoides are best in pairs (1 male and 1 female).

Pearl gourami can be kept in pairs (1 male and 1 female) or 1 male a couple of females. Try to buy young gouramis so they grow up together and they will be more likely to get along.

African butterfly fish will eat small fish like neon tetras. However, most tetras don't do well in discus tanks due to the high temperature. Cardinal and rummynose tetras tolerate high temperatures better than neons, glowlight and most other tetras.
This thread has gone in different directions with respect to fish species, as most are not compatible for one reason or another. It might help if you were able to pin down definites...for example you did mention discus, and if this is decided then you immediately have issues with any of the other fish mentioned. Temperature for one thing, compatibility for another, depending.

Nitrate at 40 ppm is too high. Is this occurring within the aquarium, or do you have some level of nitrate in the source (tap) water?
Apistogramma cacatuoides are best in pairs (1 male and 1 female).

Pearl gourami can be kept in pairs (1 male and 1 female) or 1 male a couple of females. Try to buy young gouramis so they grow up together and they will be more likely to get along.

African butterfly fish will eat small fish like neon tetras. However, most tetras don't do well in discus tanks due to the high temperature. Cardinal and rummynose tetras tolerate high temperatures better than neons, glowlight and most other tetras.
re these fish ok with Discus?
This thread has gone in different directions with respect to fish species, as most are not compatible for one reason or another. It might help if you were able to pin down definites...for example you did mention discus, and if this is decided then you immediately have issues with any of the other fish mentioned. Temperature for one thing, compatibility for another, depending.

Nitrate at 40 ppm is too high. Is this occurring within the aquarium, or do you have some level of nitrate in the source (tap) water?
Hi Byron. Yes I quite like the idea of discus. I thought Colin meant these fish were compatible with them. Maybe I have misunderstood? I haven't set up my new 300 litre tank yet. I want to decide on fish before choosing the plants etc. The water parameters I've given are from my community tank that I've had since February and are presented as an example.
Hi Byron. Yes I quite like the idea of discus. I thought Colin meant these fish were compatible with them. Maybe I have misunderstood? I haven't set up my new 300 litre tank yet. I want to decide on fish before choosing the plants etc. The water parameters I've given are from my community tank that I've had since February and are presented as an example.
I really like discus and dwarf gourami, and 'frilly' fish. Though nothing is a definite yet.

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