
Fish Addict
Jan 25, 2022
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UK, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Local Universe

My parents have finally approved that I can start further improving my fish tank. :fish: This will be a thread of the progress.
I will be posting more on the weekends but during weekdays, I may post updates occasionally.

I will not be adding new fish/snails but I will be generally improving the look of it and maybe adding new plants.
Hopefully I can make my aquarium look quite nice for a future TOTM.

Soon, I will be off to the LFS to buy some stuff...
This is the tank currently:

The water isn't that blue in real life!
So motivation in the hobby. For me, it comes from trying something totally new or from doing a deep dive to learn everything I can about what I put in the tank. The fish, the plants - once you open the doors, what's behind them is very cool to see. It's not the products or tech that matter - they only go so deep.
So motivation in the hobby. For me, it comes from trying something totally new or from doing a deep dive to learn everything I can about what I put in the tank. The fish, the plants - once you open the doors, what's behind them is very cool to see. It's not the products or tech that matter - they only go so deep.
By equipment, I meant aquatic scissors and tweezers, nothing techy. Of course, the most natural parts of the tank are the most amazing ones. I only got some "equipment" to split my very overgrown anubias and relocate some plants. My aim is to plant the tank quite densely so it resembles an underwater forest. I think that would be quite cool.
Anything that is alive (apart from maybe parasites) is definitely the coolest part in fish keeping.
I rearranged the baby crypts to the front so they could have more light to grow:

I also attached an anubias rhizome to a rock that has already been in the tank for a long time:

I have left some anubias rhizomes with leaves floating around. Will they root themselves into the ground? They already have roots. (I am aware that the rhizome has to be above the surface so it's just the roots that will be in the substrate).
Today, I removed some of the most unhealthiest leaves my anubias has (what is the plural of anubias?) so hopefully there will be new growth.
I also planted my last plant nutrition tablet in the tank so maybe that will help the plants to grow better.

I also ordered a java moss wall kit so hopefully, next weekend, I can continue the excitement of improving my fish tank!
Not an interesting update but I rearranged some anubias that has become adrift.
Hopefully I can install the java moss wall within this week.

Cocoa Shadow the snail:

The snails are very active today, and have moved around the tank quickly within short periods of time. Humbug is hiding in the moss right now and is a bit shy of the camera!

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