Shaking pregnant molly


New Member
Apr 24, 2017
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Hi! I became a tropical fish lover shorty after Christmas. Have had a 55 gallon cycled tank with good parameters since. Have one rainbow shark, 8 neon tetras, five glow fish, three mollys, and a yellow mystery snail. Yesterday my pregnant molly started shaking off and on and today is spending time on bottom. Had water tested and all is well. No other fish showing symptoms. Did 20% water change Saturday. Could it be cuz she's pregnant? Wish there was a fish vet! She's my first fish. Thanks for any thoughts. I'm still learning.
Your stocking is messed up but ill get to that later; what were your water parameters.
I have the parameters at home but I'm out. I'll post later. What do you think is wrong with my stock? Thanks so much!
I have the parameters at home but I'm out. I'll post later. What do you think is wrong with my stock? Thanks so much!

We need the parameters as this may well be related. "Parameters" means the hardness (GH and KH but especially GH) and pH. Other tests are ammonia, nitrite and nitrate; these should always be done at the first sign of trouble.
Yesterday my pregnant molly started shaking off and on and today is spending time on bottom.

Shaking and resting on the bottom of the tank are a few of the symptoms Molly's have during labor, but it could also be because of your tank set up. Parameters would be helpful

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