I will be selling my awesome red cherry shrimp that I have been breeding for about a month or two now. Really awesome and healthy shrimp. These guys climb anything and are always out in the open in your tank. Not the kind that hide. (Obviously if you buy only a couple in your planted tank you won't see them as often)
Here is a picture I took just last night. I put half an algae wafer in there and they went bananas.
I am trying to sell some just to get some more money to purchase some orange shrimp or blue velvets, plus I plan on selling more on a larger scale to be my "summer job"
I also have LOTS of plants, like Glossostigma that I am looking to get rid of. I probably have about 3 shoeboxes full of growing glossostigma.
Here is a pic of the shrimp in their gladiator arena. This is just what I have in my personal 20 gallon, I have a couple hundred in my 10 gallon and a couple berried shrimp as well.
They have a really cool ORANGE back as well. I think someone could really make a awesome orange red or blood orange strain through selective breeding.
Here is a picture I took just last night. I put half an algae wafer in there and they went bananas.
I am trying to sell some just to get some more money to purchase some orange shrimp or blue velvets, plus I plan on selling more on a larger scale to be my "summer job"
I also have LOTS of plants, like Glossostigma that I am looking to get rid of. I probably have about 3 shoeboxes full of growing glossostigma.
Here is a pic of the shrimp in their gladiator arena. This is just what I have in my personal 20 gallon, I have a couple hundred in my 10 gallon and a couple berried shrimp as well.
They have a really cool ORANGE back as well. I think someone could really make a awesome orange red or blood orange strain through selective breeding.