New Member
Hi Everyone,
New fish keeper here with a Fluval Edge 46l.
I say fish keeper... but actually at the moment all I have is gravel, some plastic plants and a couple of rather small Anubias Nana.
Iv been following the "add and wait" method of fleshless cycling described here:
Im getting nitrates produced at the other end so it looks like things are heading in the right direction.
So starting to think now about what fish and plants to add when it's finished.
I'm from Nottingham so my water is Hard and slightly alkaline (calcium carbonate 260 ppm and pH 7.5)
Any one got any fish or plant suggestions?
My original plan was just going to be 6 or 7 tetras or some variate and also some lternanthera Reineckii Pink and Hygrophilia Pinnatifidia.
Many thanks for any thought or advice.
New fish keeper here with a Fluval Edge 46l.
I say fish keeper... but actually at the moment all I have is gravel, some plastic plants and a couple of rather small Anubias Nana.
Iv been following the "add and wait" method of fleshless cycling described here:
Im getting nitrates produced at the other end so it looks like things are heading in the right direction.
So starting to think now about what fish and plants to add when it's finished.
I'm from Nottingham so my water is Hard and slightly alkaline (calcium carbonate 260 ppm and pH 7.5)
Any one got any fish or plant suggestions?
My original plan was just going to be 6 or 7 tetras or some variate and also some lternanthera Reineckii Pink and Hygrophilia Pinnatifidia.
Many thanks for any thought or advice.